Chapter 6

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Amelia's POV:

i was happy and sad at the moment, firstly to be with Mikey and knowing that my mother had been hurt... It's difficult to me.

We were walking, hands in hands as a real couple and some fans recognized Michael and they wanted to take some photos with him while some said to me

"Why are you holding Michael by his hands?!?" All looked very angry at me but I didn't knew why, when Mikey saw them he said:" Whoa, girls!! Stop hurting her she's my girlfriend!!!!"

Some of the fans said:" No it cannot be possible, you're lying, don't you ? She hasn't got any makeup, she's not pretty and..."

Mikey defending me said:" Wait, wait, wait if you doesn't like my girlfriend its your problem and I like her as she is that why I take her and not you, if you were like her I'd maybe chosen one of you but for the moment its so not the case, so now leave and let us alone !!!!" I was so happy that he defended me that I didn't said nothing...

One of the girls said bravely:" So if THIS is really your girlfriend, prove to us and we'll let you..."

Mikey shouted:" Ok ill do it now if it can convince you that she's my girlfriend, Amelia come on love"

I approached slowly but I cannot do it, if I do it he will have not anymore fans like before, so the only solution that I found, was to run away, and I did it.

Mikey's POV :

When I saw her running away from me, I didn't understand what happened at the moment, so I ran after her, when I catch her up,

She said sadly:" I'm so sorry, but if i had kissed you, those fans will be angry at you, and all those Mikey's girl will not be your fans anymore and ill not support it, you have to be happy even if it means that ill be not with you, sorry we have to be separated for a few sorry."

My heart was melting down she was crying and i didn't like when people cry especially her. I had hurt her it wasn't fair she had to be happy... But with me ...

"ok ill let you some time, just give me your number phone and when ill be okay ill call you, sorry, I really love you but I have to think more about this, ily I hope you know it..." She said to me

I was the saddest guy ever at the moment why all the girls are so complicated

After a few she said:" Sorry I had to go now"

"ok ill call you everyday until you decide, I'll be waiting for you and ill miss you so much..." I said

At the moment she started to cry and my heart was melting down it'll be so hard without you

I wanted to take her and to have her until she dies but I had to keep this promise and to let her think...


Here the chapter really ends 😃 hope you liked it ✌

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