Chapter 9

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Michael's POV:

While returning to the studio, I thought about how I met her sooner in the afternoon, she looked so cute and brave and everything...she was the perfect person i has ever seen, when she came at 1st he didn't talk to her, he was like judging her, by her so beautiful eyes and she was brown haired it was a kind of angel, gosh I'm really in love with her, I hope that she'll be with me forever, I looked to the sun who was going down and I arrived at the studio
I'm kind of sad about what happened but anyway I'm sure she'll come back to me

Ugh god what am I saying ? She's just a girl and I'm going to play with her. No more feelings will appear. Let's play darling it was just a double face to make you think I was weak but I'm not, I'm the best seductor ever, you'll see ! 

I finally came back to the studios, I just made myself crying in front of the guys cos I just can't let them see who I really am even if they're my best friends ever

Me: guys I'm desperate she'll never come back it's over.

Cal: no don't say that it's known, she'll come back in a few don't worry buddy.

Luke and ashton: we're sure of that too bro she'll come back soon no one can resist you 

I know what they're doing, they're trying to comfort me to let themselves the chance to take Amelia. They're clever but that's not enough to let me trust their lies.

Me: For tomorrow I have a plan I said while faking tears. I think we're going to call her and then I'll invite her to a diner or something like that, what do you think of that ? Is it a good idea? 

In the next chapter what do you think will happen let me know in comments^^

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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