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"Jay, wake up." Daryl shook me. I groaned, "Get up, little Jay." Merle cooed, kissing my forehead, "Awe, c'mon guys." I threw a pillow at Merle, laughing. I rose up, running a hand through my dirty hair, "Alright. Y'all can either stay or watch me change." I said, gathering my clothes. Merle just shrugged and Daryl continued cleaning his arrows. Y'know, I could care less. They stay every morning when I change anyways. I slip on a shirt quickly, so they don't see the scars. I was a little bit too thin. Daryl glanced up, "Shorts are a little short, ain't they?" he said, rolling his eyes. I huffed and kissed Daryl on the forehead, then Merle, "Grow up." I laughed as I grabbed my machete and slipped it on my back, leaving my gun where it lie. This machete rarely left my back. When I left the tent, my face automatically faded into a scowl. The resentful look plastered on my face. Lori and Carl seemed to be eating the squirrel Daryl killed last night, as well as Glenn. I almost smiled when Glenn looked at me, but I just nodded at him, and continued on my way. I climbed up the ladder to the RV, taking my post on guard. I grabbed Dale's rifle and looked down the scope, looking at the road. I didn't see any signs of walkers. As I heard Lori's small voice from the ground, I looked down at her, "I'm going out!" she called to me. I nodded once again, a small grunt leaving my mouth, "I'll keep an eye on Carl." I said, she smiled at me. Carl climbed up the ladder and sat with me, "Hey, buddy." I said as he sat next to me, "Can I, can I, can I?" he repeated, referring to the rifle, "Just once." I whispered, handing it to the small boy. The safety was on of course! He looked down the sights, "Woah!" he said, smiling, "Alright, hand it over." I laughed as Dale began to walk up the ladder, "Oh, thanks, Jade." Dale said, smiling at me, "Mmhmm." I said, then followed Carl down the ladder. "Jay!" Merle called to me. I dropped the pencil I was holding, and walked over to my two brothers, "Daryl is goin' huntin' and I'm goin' on the run with Jackie, Andrea, Morales, and the nigger." he said, rolling his eyes, "God, be good." I said, hugging him tightly. He planted a kiss on my forehead, then followed the rest of the group. Once Merle had left our sights, Daryl turned to me, "Alright, Jay. I'm heading out." he said, "Alright, I'm gonna stay here and help Glenn do some work." I said, blowing a breath out of my mouth, "Jay, I know ye like him." Daryl frowned, "If he even looks at ye wrong, I'll break his neck." he warned me, shooting daggers at Glenn. I rolled my eyes and tip-toed to kiss his cheek, then hugged him, "Bye, Daryl." I said, "Love you!" he called back, "You too!" I waved as I walked to Glenn, "Why was he looking at me like that?" he ask, his eyes wide, "Don't worry 'bout it." I said, almost cracking a smile.
It was dark outside as I bathed in the pond. Everyone was seemingly sleeping, so I took this opportunity to bathe. In only a bra and panties, I dipped my hair back in the water. All the dirt seemed to lift away causing me to smile. I heard footsteps coming down the bank and I cursed silently, swimming farther out. I spotted Glenn, in boxers, coming to bathe as well. He climbed in slowly, "Jade. Shit!" he said, stumbling backwards, "Hey! It's fine! C'mon in." I said, smirking at him. It was like a challenge almost. He hesitated, "Awe. Little pizza boy is embarrassed?" I pushed him, mentally. He smirked as well, and jumped in. He came toward me and splashed me, "You did not just do that." I laughed, pouncing on him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and smiled. The splashing calmed down as I looked into his eyes. It was quiet, just the noise of frogs croaking, "Jade, did you know how beautiful you are?" he ask, placing his arms on my lower waist. I smiled a bit at this. He slowly leaned in, and kissed me. It turned into a make-out session, the moment getting more heated by the second. He broke away, and smiled, "Don't tell your brother." he whispered, and kissed me again. I smiled underneath the kiss,"I won't." I muttered, and continued kissing him.
I woke up on my own today, expecting the company of my two brothers, but they weren't there. I let out a breath and began to get up when I heard a tapping on the tent flap, "Jade. It's Glenn." I heard a whispered voice, "Come in." I rattled, flopping back down on the bed. He unzipped the tent and came in, "Hey," he whispered, zipping the tent back up, "I gotta ask you something." he said, sitting down beside me. I nodded, "Whats 'up." I said, turning to look at him, "I was thinking, about last night," he quickly added, "And I was uh... Thinking... Maybe we could, I dunno, do it again?" he took his baseball hat off and scratched his head, "Wow. This is awkward." he muttered. I smirked at him, and climbed on top of him, straddling his lap, "Of course we can." I said, smirking. He smiled, and then frowned again, "And, uh, I was also wondering if maybe you wanted to, uh, date? I mean, the sister of the Dixon's probably doesn't want to-" I kissed him quickly, quieting him. He smiled and said: "I'm taking that as a yes!" I smiled, too, and got up. I pulled clothes out of my bag and began to undress, "Hope you don't mind." I said, pulling on my jeans. I turned my back to get my shirt, when I felt a hand on my back, "Jade..." he said, tracing the scars with his fingers. I cringed and jerked away, putting on my shirt, "Don't EVER mention this. Ever." my voice was deep, and frightening. I quickly turned and left the tent.
"Jade!" I had heard Glenn call after me. I shrugged him off, and continued walking, "Dale! I'm going out." I yelled up to him, re-entering mine, and the boys, tent. I grabbed my hunting knife, and my rifle. I then tightened up the machete sheath around my torso, and stomped out of the tent. Although I could hear the faint cries of Glenn, I couldn't decide if I wanted to go back and face the awkward situation or run away from my problem. The best choice was obvious, but not the easiest. I didn't want to face my problems, and I sure as hell didn't want to talk about why I had these scars; then I had a change of heart. I guess I did need to talk about this to someone. Not Daryl, or Merle. I needed to talk to Glenn. I stopped abruptly and turned around, seeing Glenn was sprinting toward me. He stopped in front of me, kicking up a fair amount of dust, "Follow me." we walked down the hill to the lake, where the Lori was washing clothes. I'll help as soon as this is over. I thought to myself, "Okay," I whispered, ", I was abused as a kid. When I was 16 I started drinking, smoking, and fighting. My uncle Jessie, well, half-uncle, bought me my machete and shotgun. I was thrilled! I hunted, and left the place where I felt pain everyday to do things I love. Daryl and I would go off while Merle was out drinking, or doing drugs. He tried to protect me." I stomped away and walked over to Lori, "Mind if I help?" I ask, sitting down, "No! I don't mind at all." Lori smiled. Lori was the only women I trusted here. She's actually saw me smile, and heard me laugh. I grabbed one of Carl's shirts and started scrubbing stains off.

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