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// Jade //

"I'm going after them." Andrea said, getting up from the couch, "Don't. They could be anywhere." Lori said as I stood by myself. Andrea stopped where she was, "And if Randall comes back, we're gonna need you here." Lori said when the squeaking of the front door opening alarmed me. Glenn and Daryl walked in and a wave of relief came across me. I sighed and ran up to Daryl, hugging him tightly. Then I turned to Glenn and kissed him, leaving my hand on his chest, "Rick and Shane ain't back?" Daryl ask, "No." Lori said, her voice small.
"We heard a shot." Daryl said
"Maybe they found Randall."
"We found him." Daryl said, confused, "Is he back in the shed?" Maggie ask, unwrapping her arms from around herself, "He's a walker." Daryl nodded his head a-matter-of-factly at her, "Did you find the walker that bit him?" Hershel ask, "No, the weird thing is he wasn't bit." Glenn said, glancing at me, "His neck was broke." Daryl said, looking at me as well. I dropped my hand from Glenn's chest, "So he fought back." Patricia said, "The things is, Shane and Randall's tracks were right on top of each other and Shane ain't no tracker, so he didn't come up behind him. They were together." Daryl didn't get to speak before Lori cut him off, "Would you please get back out there, find Rick and Shane and find out what on earth is going on?" Daryl nodded without a look at me, "You got it." he said and started to walk off after Lori muttered a thank you. I followed Glenn and Daryl outside to hear walkers. Thousands of walkers surround the barn and were coming toward the house. Everyone soon followed outside, "Patricia, kill the lights." Hershel whispered, "I'll get the guns." I said, running off inside the house.

When I walked back outside the house with the guns, I heard Lori freaking out about not being able to find Carl. She and Carol rushed pasted me as I handed out the guns, tightening my machete and reloading my gun. I looked at the shotgun Maggie grabbed, "Maggie." I was going to question her about if she knew how to use it, "You grow up country, you pick up a thing or two." she said, cocking the gun and loading it, "I got the number-- it's no use." Daryl said, looking at the growing horde, "You can go if you want." Hershel said, looking at Daryl sternly, "You gonna take 'em all on?" ask Daryl, "We have guns, we have cars." Hershel said, "Kill as many as we can, and we'll use the cars to lead the rest of them off the farm." I said, getting ready to walk off the porch. Glenn grabbed my arm, "Are you serious?" I heard Daryl say, "This is my farm. I'll die here." Hershel walked off, "All right. It's a good a night as any." Daryl said. I kissed Glenn and hugged Daryl, "Be careful, Jade." he whispered into my hair, "I will, Daryl. Love you." I said, "Love you, too." he said. I put my hand beside Glenn's face, "Be careful." he said, doing the same as I did, "I will." I said, a small smile on my face. Before I walked off the porch, Glenn yelled at me. I turned to face him, "Yeah?" I said, "I love you." he said, exhaustion written across his face, "I love you, too." I said, my cheeks turning a bright crimson.


While everyone else rode in the cars, I was on foot. I used my machete to kill most of the walkers, watching blood coat me. The stench of guts covered me. My whole body was covered in red goo, but you could tell who I was. I was walking toward a walker who was coming my way, but they looked right past me and walked on by. I stopped and tested something. Every single walker that passed me kept going. I smelled like one of them! I was pretty far away from the house and didn't see any cars anywhere. I knew I had been gone a long time, and knew I was alone. The only thing I knew was our plan on where to go; back to the highway. As I walked, more and more blood started to cover me. I was almost out of the drive way of the farm and in a horde of walkers when I heard a motorcycle engine. I looked around but didn't see anything, "DARYL!" I screamed, hoping someone would hear me. I sighed and kept walking.

"SHIT!" I screamed, tripping over a log as a horde of walkers came after me. My body was soaking wet and my machete was freshly cleaned from the near-by creek I had cleaned myself off in, making my clothes and body feel heavy. I raised my gun and shot, the kickback of the gun surprising me. I hadn't shot this gun in at least a month. One of the walkers dropped dead and I scrambled up and ran again. My machete bounced on my hip as I ran. I pulled it out and went to swing at a too-close walker, but missed. The blade came back and ran into my hip, stopping on the bone. I cried out in pain and ran, holding my bleeding side in agony.

// Daryl //

Carol and I arrived at the highway, seeing the others just now getting here too. I shut off the motorcycle and climbed off, looking around for Jade. Once everyone was hugging, Glenn and I stood by, "Where's Jade?" I ask, gripping my crossbow tightly. No answer came, "Where's my sister?!" I said, stepping forward. I glanced at Carol, who looked at me, "I-I saw her covered in blood and walking around with the walkers..." Carol told me. I froze.

// Jade //

It was daylight now and I seen the highway in the distance. My head hurt incredibly as I walked, hearing a motorcycle start. At this point, I started to run, "HEY! HEY! WAIT!" I screamed as loud as possible. But they were already gone.


It's been a few days of tracking them. My cut's infected bad, the skin around it is all yellow and red, pus oozed out of it constantly. I cried as I ran, seeing fresh tracks from the group. Every step I took sent sharp pains down my legs. Before I knew it, two guys stepped out in front of me, "How you doin'?" one said with a smile. I stepped back, clutching my side, "Looks like you got hurt." the other said with a smile, "Back off." I said, holding up my rifle at the men. I guess they had another man hiding behind me, cause I was soon knocked on my ass with my gun taken away and my machete taken away. I crawled to my feet, "Stupid bitch." one muttered, tossing my weapons away from me. I groaned when I was knocked back on the ground. I felt a knife blade barely graze my stomach as my shirt was being cut off. I gathered all the strength I could and hit one of the men in the nose, watching him stumble away. I felt someone step on my hands as the man got back up and start cutting my pants. One leg of the pants were off and the other was in the process of it. I raised my leg and hit the man, feeling the knife stab my leg. I screamed and mustered up all the strength and jerked my hands away, then pulled the knife out of my thigh. Three stabs to the head later and all men were dead. I collapsed to the ground and cried as I ripped the rest of my pants off, tying off the wound with both legs of my pants. I searched the men and got a pistol, knife, and a backpack. In the backpack was a few bottles of water, a can of beans, some clothes, and a few clips for the pistol. I tried to carry it on my back, but the extra weight hurt my side and thigh so I packed it. I grabbed my rifle and machete and put them back in there place as I watched the blood leak out of the fabric. I took one of the men's coat off and slipped it on, feeling the warmth of a once living person. My legs were freezing as I walked, sometimes running away from walkers. I watched the tire tracks until I seen the cars. And a motorcycle. Little white spots covered my vision as I ran, "HELP!" I screamed, trying to catch the attention of someone before I passed out. My vision got blurry and I stumbled forward, "GUYS! RICK!" I screamed, hoping they wouldn't shoot me, "PLEASE. P-Please." I fell to the ground, knocked out cold.

When I awoke, I was still in the same place. No one came for me, I thought to myself. I saw a pool of blood near my new wound. I whimpered as I got up and walked away, toward where the cars previously were. They were gone, and by the looks of it, not long. I hobbled along the road side and seen a pile of ashes with a waterfall nearby. I sucked in a breath before shredding my coat, shirt, and remaining shorts and stepped into the water. The coldness washed over me, as did the pain from the wounds. Once I was done, I rummaged through the bag and grabbed some extra clothes and put them on. I grunted as the cloth went over my wounds and kept going on my way to find the group.

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