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// Jade //
I looked around my room, shutting my door slowly. Before it closed all the way, a foot appeared in its path, "It's Glenn." a voice said. I smiled and opened the door, "Hey, you." I said, sitting on the edge of my bed. He let the door close and sat next to me, "I was about to get in the shower," I laughed, "But you're better than any shower." he smiled at me, "Go ahead and take your shower, I'll wait right here." he said, smiling at me. I looked at my skin; stained from the dirt, patches of mud here and there. I nodded, "Won't take me long." I said, kissing him. He looked shocked as I walked into the bathroom.

The water was warm, and the soap felt good. I watched the dirt go down the drain, and my skin started to appear again. I washed any trace of dirt and blood away from my skin and hair, then shaved my legs and underarms. I smiled in glee as I turned the shower off. The pile of clothes that someone had layed out for me lie on the toilet seat. I grabbed them and put them on. I looked at myself in the mirror, the clothes fitting perfectly. As I walked back out, I seen Glenn laying in the bed asleep. I smiled to myself and walked over to him. He looked so peaceful. I didn't dare wake him, but I just left him there. I planned on going to see Daryl before I laid down, which is what I did. I left my door propped open then walked into the hall. It was empty. As I walked by Shane's room, the door opened and I was pulled inside. Shane's hand over my mouth, he shut the door. He let go of me and placed his hand on my waist, lower than wanted, "Get away, Shane." I said, pushing him off me. He forked his hand between my thighs and held on tight. I released my elbow and sent it slamming into his stomach. I ran as he was weak, doubled over. The door opened quickly, but I knew he was close behind me. As I reached Daryl's door and began beating on it, Shane caught me. He grabbed my wrist and slammed me against the wall, touching me, "Stop!" I cried out, hoping for Daryl to hear me. Just as Shane went to kiss me, Daryl opened his door. The look on his face as he seen Shane attempt to rape me again and me unable to fight his grip, I could tell this wasn't gonna be good. Daryl ran out and slammed into Shane, knocking him to the ground, "Don't you EVER touch my sister again! Do you hear me!" he hissed, Shane nodded and got away from his grasp. I was sunk to the floor, crying. Daryl picked me up and took me to his room, "I know about you an' Glenn." he whispered as I fell asleep, a final tear rolling down my face.
When I awoke, I was no longer in Daryl's bed. I was back in my room with Glenn. My hand was on his chest, as well as my head. He had his arm under me, holding me tightly. So either Glenn or Daryl carried me back. I smiled at that and raised up, quickly raising a hand to my head as the splitting pain started, "Damn hangover." I muttered, taking in a deep breath before I got up, "Where you going?" I heard a groggy voice. Glenn had awoke now, siting up. He followed my actions and put his hand to his forehead, "Shit..." he mumbled. I laughed, "How did I get here?" I ask him, sitting down in the floor, "Oh, Daryl came in here and told me you were with him if I wanted to come get you... So I have two questions." he stated, "Shoot." I said, bring my knees up and wrapped my arms around them. He took in a deep breath, "One. Why were you with Daryl last night?" he asked. I chewed on the inside of my lip, "I told him I'd go see him before I laid down." I said, the inferior feeling settling in again, "Okay. Two. Why was he bruised?" I froze, "Oh, maybe I have a third question; why are YOU bruised?" he ask, getting up and sitting beside me. He took my wrist in his hand and admired the purple hand-marked bruise, "Back at the camp, when I fought Ed... Shane took me into the RV to clean me up, but he did more than that." I took in a breath, seeing Glenn's face turn red, "That wasn't the first time, nor the last time I got... raped." I choked at the word, "Last night when I was on my way to Daryl's room, Shane pulled me in... I broke free and ran to Daryl, whom then hit Shane..." Glenn's face was as red as a tomato. One single tear fell and he pulled me into a hug, "I'm so sorry. I'm gonna kill Shane." he mumbled into my hair. I hesitated, but got up from his grasp. I wiped away the stray tears and regained myself. I grabbed some clothes and hurried to put them on. I ran a hand through my hair and walked out, Glenn following behind me. About the time we were outside, Shane walked out. Glenn glanced at him, as did I. Shane had bruises everywhere. I only had one purple one on my wrist.

"I'm never drinking again." Glenn moaned as he sat down at the table, "Poor baby can't handle it?" Daryl teased, taking a swig from one of last nights wine bottles. Carol sat me out a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon, and a cup of orange juice. I scarfed it down in a second, then pushed my plate away, "Shane, buddy, what happened to you?" Rick asked, chewing a bite of egg, "Oh, I don't know. Must've happened in my sleep." he said, glaring at Daryl, who had just taken the other seat beside me, and I. A smirk played on my face;
"Must have."

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