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After a moment of silence, Daryl threw his bottle at the door, "OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR!" He yelled to Jenner, getting no response.

Shane came out of no where, wielding an axe, "OUT OF MY WAY!" he shouted as he ran and hit the door.

Not even a dent appeared.

An end to everything.

It played over in my head again and again. I got shocked out of my thoughts as the sound of axes hitting the metal door erupted throughout the room. Shane and Daryl we're hitting the door now, trying to get us out. I sat, my legs curled up to my knees, in front of Jenner. With each hit of the door, the kids seemed to cry harder, "You should've left while you could've. It would've been so much easier." Jenner said, "For who?!" Lori scoffed, "All of you! You know what's out there! A short, brutal life and an agonizing death. You-Your sister," Jenner pointed to Andrea, "What was her name?" Andrea looked questioningly at Jenner before answering, "Amy," she said, sorrow filled the air, "Amy," he repeated, "You know what this does. You've seen it. Is that really what you want?" he said, looking up to Rick, "For your wife and son?" Jenner said. He'd crossed the line, "I don't want this!" he said, his voice harsh, "Can't make a dent." Shane said, laying his head down on a dead computer, "Those doors are designed to withstand a rocket launcher." Jenner said. Daryl came running with his axe, "Well, your head ain't!" he swung the axe back, but was caught by Dale, Shane and T-Dog, which somehow withheld him and he backed off. T-Dog took the axe from Daryl, "You DO want this. Last night, you said it. You knew it was just a matter of time before everybody you loved was dead." Jenner said. Even I felt anger from this. Rick starred at him in disbelief, then he looked at Lori, "You really said that?" Shane ask, panting a bit, "After all we've went through." Rick looked at Lori again, "I had to keep hope alive, didn't I?" Rick said, sounding as if he felt no remorse, "There is no hope!" Jenner said, "There never was!" I started to think at this point; I kinda wanna die. Daryl and Glenn would be fine, right? Maybe.... Maybe I should stay, "There was always hope! Maybe not for you, maybe not for here. But SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE," Rick started, "What part of everything's gone do you not understand?" Andrea said, looking up from the floor, "Listen to your friend. She gets it." Jenner said, getting the attention of everyone, "This is what takes us down, this is our extension event." he said, nodding a bit. All that was heard was the crying from the kids. Glenn looked at me and gave me this look, "This isn't right?" Carol said, her words a little slurred from crying, "You can't just keep us here!" she said, "One tiny moment, a millisecond. No pain." Jenner tried to explain, "MY DAUGHTER DOESN'T DESERVE TO DIE LIKE THIS!" her voice rose. Shane looked as if he was gonna say something, but he got up and walked off, "Wouldn't it be, kind-of, more compassionate to just hold your loved ones and wait for the clock to run down?" Jenner said. Yes, I thought to myself. But no one seemed to agree. The cocking of a gun got everyone's attention, "SHANE. SHANE!" Rick yelled at Shane who was striding toward Jenner with a gun, "STAY OUT OF MY WAY, RICK." Shane pushed him away, "I'm gonna blow your head off. DO YOU HEAR ME?!" Shane yelled, the shotgun pointed in his face, "Brother, brother. This is not the way you do this. We're gonna get out of here." Rick said to Shane, "Shane, you listen to him." Lori spoke up, "When he dies, we all die-" Rick got cut off by Shane screaming. He turned and pulled the trigger, missing Jenner. An old computer blew up. Every ducked down as glass exploded everywhere. He kept shooting computers, blowing them up one by one. Rick pushed the gun up, shooting a light. Rick knocked Shane down and about smashed his head in, but stopped. Lori jumped up, "You done now?" Rick ask, "You done." he said harshly, "Yeah, guess we all are." Shane said. It was quiet, "I think you're lying." Rick said to Jenner, "What?" Jenner looked over at Rick, "You're lying. About no hope. If that were true, you would've bolted with the rest. Or taken the easy way out. You didn't. You chose the hard path. Why?" Rick said, "It doesn't matter, "Jenner said, looking down, "It does matter." Rick smiled a bit, "It always matter," he wiped his forehead, "You stayed when others ran. Why?" Rick was stern, "Not because I wanted to." Jenner said, "I made a promise." Jenner rose from his seat. He was pointing, "To her." I was confused, "My wife." Jenner said and cocked his head to the side, "Test subject 19 was your wife," Lori said, filling in the blank spaces for me, "She begged me to keep going as long as I could and how could I say no." he said, putting his hands to his side, "She was dying." Jenner said, looking away, "Should've been me on that table." he said, "It wouldn't have mattered to anybody. She was a loss to the world." he said. I felt sorry for him, "Hell, she ran this place. I just worked here. In our field, she was an Einstein. Me, I-I'm just Edwin Jenner. She could've done something about this. Not me." Jenner said, "Your wife didn't have a choice. You do. Thats- thats all we want; a choice, a chance. " Rick said, his head going sideways, "Let us keep trying as long as we can."Lori said, her arms around Carl, "I told you topside is locked down, I can't open those. " Jenner said, walking over to the computer. He slid a card across a scanner and typed in a number. The metal door opened, "C'mon!" Daryl yelled, followed by Glenn. I didn't move. I just sat here. Glenn stopped to look at me, "Jade! Come on!" he yelled. I looked away. It was only Jenner, Jackie, Andrea and I still sitting. Everyone was flooding out the doors, "Jade..." Glenn walked over, "C'mon!" he said. Everyone stopped to look who wasn't coming, "Glenn, I don't want to die a painful death! I don't want to get ripped apart by walkers!" I said, shaking my head. Daryl was froze in his tracks. I was crying now, "If you want to get out, go!" I yelled at Glenn. Daryl was walking toward me, "Jade..." he said, "We lost mom, dad, Jess... Merle. I ain't loosing you. If you stay, I stay. I can't loose my sister." he said, crying. I was crying as well and I stood up, "I-I don't know.." I said, changing my mind. Do I want to keep fighting? After a moment of thought I knew my answer. I couldn't leave Glenn and Daryl like this, "I'll go." I said, grabbing my stuff off the floor and running over to Jackie, hugging her, "I'll miss you." I said, smiling at her, "You too, sweetie. Now go." she said, which I gladly did.

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