Guitar Lessons

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Genre: Romance

This one-shot debuted in It Comes Naturally, an original work by the author.

 This was Rin's last chance to get the music right to her song. Something was missing. The song was special to her, and perfection will have to come at any cost. Over the years, the guitar has been her solace, but there's a limit to what she can learn independently. Resorting to private lessons twice a week was her only choice and was less time-consuming. It was her first lesson, and she took the option of having the tutor visit her home.

Checking the time, it was ten minutes to the agreed hour, and she wanted the song to go on air in three weeks. It was her idea of letting go and a show of appreciation to that one person she held close to her heart.

They saved her life countless times and never once asked for anything in return. It broke her when they disappeared, leaving behind one last gift. Now here she was living her dream as a talent manager thanks to them.

The intercom buzzed, breaking her thoughtful mood. Rushing to the receiving box, she listened and replied to the security guard, giving him the green light to put the tutor on her visitors' list. A few minutes later, a knock was made on her door.

Excited to get started, she swung open the door after rushing to it, only to be given the shock of her life. The person on the other side of the door seems to be in the same position. Five times they looked at the piece of paper in their hand to the occupant of the apartment.

"Erin George?!"

That voice.

It got deeper and gruff. Brown hair that had unruly curls was now in a messy bun, a beard he hated now grew on his face, more tattoos were etched on his lean muscled body, and those dark eyes that once held his happiness were now dull. No matter the changes to his appearance or demeanor, she can recognize him anywhere.

Rin fell to her knees; she couldn't believe it. Tears she had no idea she harbored for this man fell from her eyes as she struggled to say his name.

"It is you," he breathed out heavily. Without asking for permission, the man gathered Rin in his arms and quickly shut the door. She couldn't move; the tears kept coming. He placed her on the sofa and knelt before her, waiting patiently for her to stop.


"Hello, princess."

Unable to help herself, Rin threw her arms around his neck, hugging him as tight as she can. Her body relaxed against his when he returned her hug. He chuckled when she began to ramble on, relaying her shock at seeing him again and the universe blessing her again. A sentence reached his ears that reached his hardened heart. "I missed you."

He missed her like crazy and hated what happened years ago. Pulling back, he took in the changes and wondered how beauty could become even more beautiful. The years were good to her; that was good enough for him. She was radiant. Her silly smile was still adorable in his eyes, her brown eyes had more shine to them, and she was no longer hiding her hair under hideous scarves. Her light brown skin was glowing, her cheeks rosy and showing her excitement; though she wore a loose sweatsuit, he could see her curves' outline.

Parker got to his feet, took off the guitar he had strapped on his back, and then began to pace. "Parker? What's wrong? I know I'm happy to see you, but I guess it's not the same for you," Rin said. Her smile dimmed at that being a reality. His leaving six years ago came back to her. Did she interpret his goodbye letter wrong?

"I am happy to see you, princess. I never thought I would see you again. What are the chances that you booked a tutoring session at my store? This reunion may not be how you want it to be," he said with a nervous chuckle. Joining him in standing, she took his hand in hers and began to draw lazy circles with her thumb to calm him down.

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