Her protector and her comforter (1)

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Genre : Romance/Polyamory

It feels like high school over again but this time, this time she had no clue as to why the whispers and sneers were directed at her. She kept seeing a few of her co-workers and she used that term loosely, checking their phones when she returned from lunch. These were the ladies who always had a snide remark to give her. 
Ignoring their childish behavior she made her way to a fellow manager's office with her handbag in tow. It was the beginning of her vacation and she needed a few things for her already-packed suitcase. The thought of feeling the burning island sun on her skin and the smell of saltwater brought a smile to her face. Two weeks vacation in her mother's home island. 
Knocking firmly on the closed door and entering upon the welcome, she didn't realize that she had that giddy smile on her face till it was pointed out by the office occupant.

"I haven't seen that smile in years. Can it be something besides the vacation?" 

Natasha rolled her eyes playfully by the jest Bash sent her way. Working at Carlson Security Inc as an Operation Manager, she was considered one of the hierarchies in the private company. Bash was the Finance Manager, so their interactions can be deemed friendly to everyone including themselves. Since she was hired six years ago, their friendship bloomed overnight after one meeting. 

"Nope, just vacation. I brought the reports for the last job Bane took. Much wasn't needed to be done since he basically had everything in order, the other reports were the ones I had to clean up," she returned placing the folder in his outstretched hand. 

"Thanks, Tash. Where are you headed now? I expected this to be sent to me not delivered personally, not that I'm complaining."

"Stop that you, no flirty smiles."

Bash laughed at her mocking glare, taking his time to fully check her out in his own way. Her brown skin always glowed, radiating her beauty ten times more. She was a sweet temptation he will love to feast on as his guilty pleasure. Her eyes were dark as coals but that didn't hide the glimmer of every emotion she fails to hide from the world. He thought he was one of the lucky ones who see the real her from time to time. Her body wasn't society standards and he loved that. During their playful moments, he liked to hold her close to feel her soft body against his, and have his arms around her soft stomach. She hated it, he simply admonishes her when she puts herself down.

"Fine. You got everything handled? Need anything to be done? Don't be afraid to ask favors, Tash. Bane and I are at your beck and call," he said. It wasn't by mistake that he allowed her to hear how serious he was by the request. He will do anything for her. 

"I know, B. You already used up your lunch hour to buy me a new set of luggage which you still haven't taken payment for. You even helped in the finance aspect of things which I completely forgot. The amount of US you converted for me was a lot though. Then there's Bane. My home is now part of the safest place in the country. You two spoil me enough and that's causing some tongues to wag," she relayed to him.  Bash joined her on the other side of his desk and sat in the chair next to her which she just took. He wanted to shout to the skies what he has been holding in for the last five years but was scared that their friendship will fade. Natasha was not one to step out on her other half. She was respectful, loyal and so damn trustworthy to the idiot lawyer she has been seeing since she started working for the company. Bash met the guy over the years and every meeting, his dislike for the douche grew. The last time they met, his fist connected with the guy's nose.
His sweet Natasha accepted the lies the man spewed about his injury, her eyes showing the love she had for him, Bane kept to himself the specifics of the real story so she can be happy. That's all that matters. Her happiness.

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