chapter.36 (A much needed talk)

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- Last Time -

Weiss was grounded by her father, because of what she did on the charity event.

Qrow and Izuku where the once that where the most injured because off the fight againts Tyrian.

- Now -

Team JNPR, Ruby and Izuku had just listened to an explanation Qrow gave them. Even though Pyrrha and Izuku already knew of the Maidens.

Pyrrha knew because she was told before the fall of Beacon and Izuku got to know when he confronted Qrow and Raven at the bar.

"Realy, no questions?" Qrow then asked. Jaune replied with:" ofcourse we have questions... this.. is just a lot to take in."

"Sure.. ofcourse." Qrow replies. Ruby then says:" so... these maidens, they are powerful fighters, that don't need dust to use magic?

"Yep..." Qrow replies. Nora then asks:" and there are four of them?"

"Yep, always.." Qrow says to anwser Nora's question. Ren then says:" which means that when ever one of them dies, the power transfers to someone... a female that they care about."

"Whoever was in there thoughts last. Important distinction, best option is someone we can trust.. regardless there soul's become combined.. in a way." Qrow replies.

"And that's what you where trying to do to Pyrrha... the night the tower fell. You where trying to turn her in one of them." Jaune then says. Pyrrha says, who was seated next to Jaune:" Jaune.."

"The previous fall maiden Amber had been attacked, she was young and inexperienced and her assailant we now know is Cinder.. some how managed to steal some of her power, but not all of it. We where afraid if we didn't do something that the rest would go to her as well." Qrow explains.

"So you forced it on Pyrrha." Jaune says. Qrow replies with:" we di-.."

But he was cut of by Pyrrha who stood up and said:" Jaune they didn't force anything on me. They explained the situation and gave me a choice.. and I said yes.. so stop blaming him about that I almost died, okay."

Pyrrha then sat back down with a sigh. Jaune turned to Pyrrha and said:" but-.."

"No but's, just stay quiet and listened. You will learn more with that, then with what you're doing now." Pyrrha said a bit annoyed.

Jaune sighed and said:" okay.." Nora then whispered in Ren's ear:" it seems both boys of our team are bottoms.."

"Nora not now!" Ren whispered. He then looked around to see that nobody had heard them, so he sighed in relief.

"That guy.. Tyrian, why was he after me and Izuku?" Ruby asked.

Qrow sighed and said:" well... you two both painted a target on you're back with what you did at Beacon, I told you having silver-eyes is a rare trait and the fact that you and Izuku can both use them.. seems to have upset some very powerful people."

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