chapter.7 (The White Fang)

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You guys will get a extra chapter this week.I hope you like this chapter, this is also the last chapter of volume one. Also i changed the dragons from chapter 3 into wyvren,s because i only recently watched volume 3.


Ruby awoke from her slumber, she stretched her arms out and yawned, she then looked at blake her bed and a sad smile appeared on ruby,s face.

(Small timeskip)

Ruby, Yang and Weiss were walking around Vale in hopes of finding Blake. Ruby then says:" she has been gone all weekend and also we couldn,t find izuku anywere to help us search."

Weiss then replies:" Blake is a big girl i,m sure she can handel herself and as for izuku i don't know." Yang then says:" come on Weiss she is one of our teammates."

Weiss then says:" is she? We all heared what she said." Ruby then says:" Weiss." Yang then says:" maybe she is, maybe she isn't either way she is missing and we need to find her."

Weiss then responds with:" a member of the White fang right under need our noses." Ruby then says with a depressed tone:" i just hope she is okay."

(Scene change made by chibi Blake sitting in a box)

Izuku, Sun and Blake were at a cafe drinking a cup of thea. Blake sighs and then says:" so you two want to know more about me."

Sun replies with:" finnaly she speaks, nearly two days and the only thing izuku and i got were small talks and wierd looks." Blake gives him then the look and sun responds with:" yeah like that."

Izuku then says:" sun you understand that is what she looks like when she is annoyed." Sun then says:" wait that is what she looks like when she is annoyed, but then have i been this entire time been annoying to you blake."

Blake rolls her eyes and then says:" sun, izuku are you both familiar with the White fang?" Sun then says:" ofcourse, i don't think there is any faunus on this planet who hasn't heard of them, stupid and hollor then those creeps and they use force for what ever they want, bunch of freaks if you ask me."

Blake then says a bit annoyed by sun:" and you izuku what do you think about them?" Izuku responds with:" i have heard of them, but it's hard to answer your qeustion because of two reasond: one i don't know what there motives are and two i don't know why those faunus would join them, but still it is wrong what they do."

Blake nods seemingly satisfied with that anwser, she then says:" i was once a member of the White fang." Sun chokes on the thea he was drinking and izuku wasn't suprised with the answer.

Sun then says after he had recovered from almost dying:" wait you were a member of the White fang?" Blake responds with:" thats right, i was member most of my life actualy, you could almost say i was born into it. Back then, things were different in the ashes of war the White fang was meant to be symbol of peace and unity between humans and the faunus, but ofcourse despite of being promised to quality, they were being subjected to discrimination and hate, humanty still thought of us like lesser beings, so the White fang rose up, as a voice for our people and i was there with them when i was a smoll girl, i was at the front of every rally, i took part in every boycot and i actualy thought we were making a difference, but i was just a youthfull optimist, then five years ago our leader stepped down and a new one took his place, a new leader with a new way of thinking. Suddenly our peacefull protests were being replaced by organised attacks, they set fire to shops that refused to serve us, hijacking cargo from companys that used faunus labor and the worst part was it was working, we were being treated like equals but not out of respect but out of fear. so i left, i decided i don't wanted to use my skills to help them in there violence, so instead i decided to deticate my life to become a huntress, so here i am a criminal hiding in plane view all with the help of a little black bow."

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