chapter.3 (The Initiation)

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I hope you like this big chapter.

{Enjoy Jaune being a lady killer}

??? :" wake up lazy butt, its morning, its morning, its morning, its morning." They are now brushing there teeth.

"I can't believe we've been be beacon for twenyfour hours. Not that i thought we would be kicked out or anything, i mean your the perfect student and i am well i am me, but it is just crazy you know."

They are now gathering there sleeping items. "We have been friends for so LOOONG what are the ods of us still being together, not well together together, not that i am saying that your not handsome but that would just be wierd ... right."

They are now eating Le Pancake,s. " Right what was i thinking but still i hope we end up on the same team together *Slurps Le Pancake*. Ooh we should come up with some sort of plan, to make sure we will be in a team together. What if we bribe the headmaster, no that wouldn't work he has his cool."

They are now in the lockers. " I know we have some sort of disstress signal Oohw a secret signal so we can find each other in the forest, can you imitate a sloth."

??? :" Nora?" Nora asks:" yes Ren?" Ren then says:" i don't think sloth's make a lot of nois."

Nora is then thinking for a moment and then burst out in exitement and says:" that's why its perfect, no one will suspect that were working together."

Ren says then:" Come on Nora lets go." Nora then responses with:" but not together together." They then walk out of the locker room.

Ruby who is also in the locker room then asks:" wonder what those two are so worked up about." Yang then replies:" oww who knows, so you seem awfully chipper this morning."

Ruby snorts and then says:" yep no akward small talk or you know you stuff, today i get to let my sweetheart talking."

Yang then replies:" well remeber ruby your not the only one who's going through an initiation, if you wanne grow up, you have to meet new people and you have to learn how to work together."

Ruby replies annoyed:" Ugghh you sound like dad okey first of all what has meeting people anything to do with fighting and secondly i don't need people to grow up, i drink Milk." Yang then asks:" what about when we form teams?"

Ruby replies with:" ughh I don't know i'l just be on your team or something." Yang then says:" umm maybe you should try and be on some one else team."

Ruby then replies while pointing at yang:" my dearest sister yang are you implying that you don,t want to be on the same team as me." Yang then replies:" what!? No of course i do, Uhh well i just thought maybe it would break you out of your shell."

Ruby then says:" What!? I don,t need to break out of my shell that's absolutely ridic..." Jaune then walks in and says:" ridiculous i was sure that i put my gear in locker 636 yesterday, uuuh i would have know to count that high, why does this have to happen today?" *Jaune The King of Men then walks away*.

Weiss then says:" so pyrrha have you given any thought about on, who,s team you want to be on i'm pretty sure that every one has to be eager to united with a strong well know individual such as yourself."

Pyrrha then says:" hmm i am not quit sure, i was planning on letting the chips fall as they may." Weiss then says:" well i was thinking on making a team together."

Pyrrha reacts with:" well that sounds grand." Weiss response with:" great." thoughts:' this will be perfect the smartes girl in class combined with the strongets girl in class together we will be unstoppable, i can see it now we will be popular, we will be celebrities, we will get perfect grades nothing can get between us now.'

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