Chapter 4- Getting Things Together

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The sound of music low music reached my ears. Letting out a groan. I reached my arm out to turn off my alarm, my eyes not budging to open.

My heart slightly dropped when all I felt was air. Opening my eyes and glancing around the dul lit room. I let out a sigh of relief when I realised I was in Dylans room. Everything from the last night hitting me.

Deciding its best to get up and see where the music was actually coming from. Lifting the duvet off and the coldness of the room hitting my skin. Goosebumps forming as I sat up, letting my feet hit the floor.

The music got slightly louder as I made my way out of Dylans bed room. Going into the main room of the twins apartment.

Dylan leaned on a counter as he flicked through his phone. While Evan stood at the cooker. The music was coming from the small Bluetooth speaker.

Probably Dylan controlling it.

"Morning. How did you sleep?" Evan was first to notice me as he turned around with a pan in his hand.

"Ah sleeping beauty has awoken." There was Dylan's snarky remark.

I rolled my eyes. "Thank you Evan. I actually slept great. How did you sleep?" I sent a smile to Evan not before shooting a narrowed glare at Dylan.

"I slept good thanks." Evan started to dish pancakes onto the plates that rested on the counter.

"I'm hurt Cameron. That you didn't ask how did I sleep?" Dylan dramatically rested his hand on his heart.

I rolled my eyes. "You don't deserve it." Ignoring Dylans overexaggerated pout, I made my way closer to the counter to get a better look at the food being dished out on the plates. "How long you been up?" I asked Evan.

"I say about an hour or two. You guys were all knocked out." Evan said as he made his was around the small kitchen.

"This smells so good but I better go wake up the true sleeping beauty." I pushed my self back from the counter. Turning back to make my way towards the bedrooms.

"Just make sure you don't awaken the beast!" Dylan shouted after me.

Sticking my head into Evans room to see Ava passed out in his bed. Her arm dangling over the side of the bed, as the side of her face was shoved into the pillow. Her blonde hair was now all messy and sprawled out. I lightly walked over to her. Sitting on the other side of the bed. My fingers ran through her blonde hair.

Ava started to stir. Letting out a groan and muttering inaudible words.

"Ava it's the next day."

Ava pushed her face more into the pillow. "I had too much last. Let me sleep this ringing noise off." Her voice came out muffled and nearly inaudible.

"Ringing noise?" I questioned. This was new.

Ava hummed in agreement, nodding her head.

"Well Evan has cooked up some of his famous hangover pancakes. You wouldn't want them to get cold." This seemed to get Avas attention. She pushed herself up. To which was a funny sight, her hair nearly covering her face.

But then she fell back down onto the mattress. Letting out a sigh of satisfaction before turning on her back. "It can wait. So where did you disappear to last night? Or should I say who was the hunk you were with."

Getting myself more comfortable, I got under Evans bed covers. Laying down beside Ava. We both stared up at the ceiling. "Don't worry about him. I gave him the wrong number and name."

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