Chapter 17- Carrots and Gravy

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"Are you okay out here?" The sound of Owens voice scares me. Taking a deep breath in, I wiped my eyes. Turning around, I forced a smile on my lips.

Owens arms were crossed as he stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

"I'm fine. I just need to have a shower." Who was I trying to convince Owen or myself. Before Owen could get a word in, I rushed upstairs.

It's like I couldn't breathe until I had made it to the bathroom. Shutting the door behind me and making sure it was locked before crumbling to the floor. Tears soak my cheeks. Bringing my knees close to my chest, it was the only comfort I had at the moment.

I had done this to myself. I brought all this drama onto myself.

I bit my bottom lip tightly as I held in a sob. It was a fact, one of my brothers would be up here soon. Especially if they heard me crying. One rule in this house was I was never allowed to cry over a boy. But yet this seems to be one of the many times I have broken it.

My brain feels like a maths problem that I can't seem to find the answer to. No matter how many times I try to work it out.

My heart hurts, I'm hurt.

Maybe I just need to take my mind off everything. Using the sink counter top as a way of pulling myself up, the girl who stared back at me through the mirror was not the girl I had seen a day ago.

A knock on the door brought me out from the darkly stare I had been given myself.

"Cameron you okay in there?" It was Owen.

"Shit." I muttered as he started to fiddle with the door handle. Moving quickly, I turned on the shower. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't come in, I'm naked. Just getting in the shower." I blurted out as I rushed around the small room.

"Okay. When your finished and dressed I want to talk."

"Sure." I replied, I listened closely to hear him walk away. No point in wasting a good shower. Undressing sent shivers up my arms and back. I hadn't realised how warm I was wearing my brothers clothes.

Taking a step into the shower, the hot water ran over my goosebumps. Slowly making them dissappear. Running my hands through my hair. I needed to do something. Something to get my mind off this whole situation.

I needed to apologise.


The ringing of my phone sounded my quiet room. Slowly reaching over to grab the device. It was a unknown number. Slowly I made the decision to answer.

'Cameron?' The familiar voice ran through the speaker of the phone.

"Vivian? Hey, it's great to hear from you." I breathe a sigh of relief. My second mom.

"It's great to hear from you too Cameron. I was afraid you wouldn't pick up. I hope your still joining us for dinner tonight." I could already imagine Vivian's bright smile over the phone in antispation.

"I don't think Dylan would want me there." My finger traced over my bed sheets as I waited for an answer.

"I don't care what that boy wants, I want you and so does Jack. Please do come, there will be a seat ready for you." Vivian left no more room for argument as she hung up the phone.

It was an on going battle, to go or not. There was only one way to choose. Reaching over to my drawer, I grabbed my purse. Pulling out a coin.

If it lands on heads I won't go, but if it lands on tails I have to go. Whatever faith decides. Throwing the coin up, I failed to catch it as it rolled along the wooden floor.

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