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FROM: hourtohour.notetonote@gmail.com
TO: bluegreen118@gmail.com
DATE: Dec 6 at 6:19 PM
SUBJECT: Coming Out Thing

Did you do it, did you do it, did you do it?


FROM: bluegreen118@gmail.com
TO: hourtohour.notetonote@gmail.com
DATE: Dec 6 at 10:21 PM
SUBJECT: Re: Coming Out Thing

Okay. I didn't exactly do it.

He got there. My stomach was churning, because I was really planning on telling him. But I didn't want to do it straight out of the gate, so I figured I'd wait until we finished opening presents.

So, you know how you hear stories about people coming out to their parents, and the parents say they already knew somehow? Yeah, my dad isn't going to say that. I'm officially certain that he has no idea I'm gay because you will not believe what book he picked out to give me. History of My Life by Casanova (or, as you would say, by "freaking" Casanova).

Looking back, there was probably a perfect opportunity hiding in there somewhere. Maybe I should have asked him to exchange it for Oscar Wilde. I don't know, Green. I guess it kind of stopped me in my tracks. But now I'm thinking it might be a blessing in disguise because, in a weird way, I think it would have hurt my mom's feelings if I told my dad first. It can be a little complicated with divorced parents. This whole thing is really overwhelming.

Anyway, my new plan is I'm going to tell my mom first.

Why is it so much easier talking about this stuff with you?


FROM: hourtohour.notetonote@gmail.com
TO: bluegreen118@gmail.com
DATE: Dec 7 at 4:46 PM
SUBJECT: Re: Coming Out Thing


I can't believe your dad got you a book by freaking Casanova. Just when you think your parents couldn't be more clueless, right? No wonder you couldn't tell him then. I'm sorry, Blue. I know you were kind of excited to do it. Or maybe you were just nauseated, in which case I'm sorry you got nauseated over nothing. I get where you're coming from with the whole coming out to divorced parents. I was basically planning to sit my mom and step-dad and actual dad down on the couch at some point and get it over with just one go. But you really can't do that, can you? It makes my heart hurt for you, Blue. I just wish you didn't have to deal with that extra layer of awfulness.

As for why it's easier to talk to me about this stuff-maybe it's because I'm so cute and grammatical? And do you really think I'm grammatical? Because Mr. Wise says I have a thing about sentence fragments.


FROM: bluegreen118@gmail.com
TO: hourtohour.notetonote@gmail.com
DATE: Dec 9 at 4:52 PM
SUBJECT: Re: Coming Out Thing


Just so you know, your being cute isn't the reason you're easy to talk to, because it really should be the opposite. In real life, I go totally silent around cute guys. I just freeze up. I can't help it. But I know the real reason you were asking was that you wanted to hear me call you cute again, so I will. You're cute, Green. And I guess you do have a thing about sentence fragments, but I sort of love it.

So, I'm not sure whether you meant to tell me your English teacher's name. You're dropping a lot of clues, Green. Sometimes I wonder if you drop more clues than you mean to.

Anyway, thanks for listening. Thanks for everything. It was such a strange, surreal weekend, but talking to you about it made it so much better.


FROM: hourtohour.notetonote@gmail.com
TO: bluegreen118@gmail.com
DATE: Dec 10 at 7:11 PM
SUBJECT: Re: Coming Out Thing


Arg-yeah. Mentioning Mr. Wise was not intentional. I guess you can really narrow things down in a major way if you choose to. I feel kind of strange about that. Sorry, I'm such a huge freaking idiot.

So, who are all these cute guys who make you so nervous? They can't be that cute. You better not love THEIR sentence fragments.

Keep me posted about all forthcoming conversations with your mom, okay?


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