DATE: Jan 29 at 5:24 PM
SUBJECT: sorry doesn't even begin to cover it

Hey Louis,

I'm assuming you hate me, which would make absolute sense under the circumstances. I don't even know where to begin with all of this, so I guess I'll just start by saying I'm sorry. Even though I know that sorry is a completely inadequate word, and maybe I should be doing this in person, but you probably don't even want to look at me, so I guess it is what it is.

Anyway, I can't stop thinking about our conversation in the parking lot and what you said about what I took from you. And I really feel like I took something enormous. It's like I didn't let myself see it before, but now that I see it, I can't believe the things I did to you. All of it. The blackmail and you're right, it was actually blackmailing. And the Tumblr post. I don't know if you realize, but I took the post down myself before the mods could even deal with it. I know that doesn't really make it better, but I guess I want you to know that. I just feel sick with guilt about the entire thing, and I'm not even going to ask you to forgive me. I just want you to know how sorry I am.

I don't even know how to explain it. I'll try, but it's probably going to sound stupid, most likely because it is in fact stupid. You should know first that I'm not homophobic and I honestly think gay people are awesome or normal or whatever you prefer. So that's all good and everything.

Anyway, my brother came out over the summer, right before he went back to the USA, and it's been this huge deal with my whole family. My parents are trying to turn it into this big awesome thing, and so now our house is like this gay utopia. But it's so totally weird, because Carter's not even home, and he never actually talks about it even when he is home. My parents and I marched in the Pride Parade this year, and he wasn't even there, and when I told him about it, he said, "Um, okay, cool," like maybe it was a bit much. And maybe it was. And that was the weekend before I logged into your email. I guess I was in kind of a weird place.

But I'm probably just making excuses because maybe it was all about me having a crush on a girl and feeling desperate. And me being jealous of how a girl like Gigi could move here and choose to befriend you out of everyone, and you have so many friends already, and I don't think you even get what a big deal that is. I don't mean to call you out or insult you or anything. I'm just saying that it seems like it's so easy for you, and you should know you're actually really lucky.

So I don't even know if that makes any sense at all, and you probably stopped reading this ages ago, but I'm just putting all of it out there. And for what it's worth, I'm so incredibly, impossibly sorry. Anyway, word on the street is that you are now deliriously happy in gay love with one Harold Edward Styles, and I want you to know that I'm way beyond happy for you. You deserve it completely. You're an awesome dude, Louis, and it was cool getting to know you. If I could do it again, I would have blackmailed you into being my friend and left it at that.

Extremely sincerely,

Simon Cowell

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