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FROM: hourtohour.notetonote@gmail.com
TO: bluegreen118@gmail.com
DATE: Dec 25 at 5:12 PM
SUBJECT: Oh holy nightmare


I officially had the most epically weird and awful Christmas ever, and most of it I can't even tell you about. Which really sucks. So, yeah. Basically, due to certain mysterious circumstances, I'm now out to my whole family and will soon be out to the whole freaking universe. And I guess that's all I can say about it.

So, it's your turn to distract me, okay? Give me updates about Little Fetus or the horrifying sexcapades of your parents, or talk about how you think I'm cute. And talk about how you ate too much turkey and now you feel nauseated. Did you know you're the only person I've ever met who uses the word "nauseated" instead of "nauseous"? I finally Googled it, and of course, you're right. Of course.

Anyway, I know you're off to Redditch tomorrow, but I hope to God your dad has internet because I don't think my heart can handle waiting a full week for an email from you. You should give me your number so I can text you. I promise I'm still relatively grammatical over text.

Well, Merry Christmas, Blue. I mean it. And I hope everyone leaves you alone tonight because that sounds like WAY too much family time. Maybe next year we can sneak away and spend Christmas together somewhere far away, where our families can't find us.


FROM: bluegreen118@gmail.com
TO: hourtohour.notetonote@gmail.com
DATE: Dec 25 at 8:41 PM
SUBJECT: Re: Oh holy nightmare

Oh, Green, I'm so sorry. I can't even begin to imagine what mysterious circumstances led to your being outed to the universe, but it doesn't sound pleasant, and I know it's not what you wanted. I wish I could fix it somehow.

No updates on Little Fetus, but suffice it to say that I'm more than a little nauseated now that I've had the pleasure of reading the word "sexcapades" in reference to my parents. And I do think you're cute. You're absurdly cute. I think I spend a little too much time thinking how adorable you are in emails and trying to translate that into a viable mental image for daydreams and the like.

But the texting thing. Ooooh-I don't know. Really, though, you don't have to worry about me going out of town. Internet in Redditch is abundant. You won't even know I'm gone.


FROM: hourtohour.notetonote@gmail.com
TO: bluegreen118@gmail.com
DATE: Dec 26 at 1:12 PM
SUBJECT: Daydreams . . . and the like

Specifically, "and the like." Please elaborate.


P.S. Seriously. AND THE LIKE?

FROM: bluegreen118@gmail.com
TO: hourtohour.notetonote@gmail.com
DATE: Dec 26 at 10:42 PM
SUBJECT: Re: Daydreams . . . and the like

And . . . I think I'll shut up now. ☺


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