Fireworks {Final Chapter}

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aaaaaah hi ! I am back =D and here to write some stuff! so I hope you like this final chapter!! =D ) 

It was a beautiful afternoon , Kokichi wearing his kimono. Kaito smiling at his husband wearing his kimono and so is himself. Today was a Festival and Kokichi Parent's Nagito and Hajime,Invited them to come along which sounded fun to them. Also because for Monaca doesn't be alone and Kokichi agreed to watch and take care of monaca for the whole festival like a older brother should do. 

As the couple arrived to the festival, Monaca runs toward Kokichi hugging him and giving his smiles. "I missed you sooo much Big brother" as she said while hugging him. He patted her head and smiled gently " I missed you too monaca" Kaito chuckled while Nagito and Hajime told Kaito and Kokichi the plan about the festival and where to meet up for lunch. " You got that?" said hajime. Kaito nodded and smiled " Don't worry you two! We'll take care of Monaca!" they nodded and left the three waving bye. Nagito looked at hajime " I have a bad feeling about this darling" said nagito sounding a bit worried , hajime nodded also worried. 

The three headed to the carnival stands , playing games and winning and gaining stuffed animals or candy. Kaito was watching the two and thinking to himself "wow, those two are very close" As Monaca lost at a tossing game and wanting to retry and crying just like kokichi "Yep they are both the same" kaito thought to himself. Kokichi of course won at the game for his little sister and got the stuffed animal she wanted. She held the Bunny wearing a top hat and bow tie stuffed animal , holding kokichi hand and smiling at him. " Thank you , Big Brother"  he smiled at her while kokichi is holding kaito hand "No problem monaca" giving her a gentle smile. 

~ Time Skip to Lunch/fire works time cuz I'm lazy~ 

Hajime and Nagito met the three at an empty bench and all sat there and went to decide what should they get to eat. " Okay Family , What shall we eat?" said Nagito, Monaca looking around to decide and saw a ramen food truck and eyes gazed. "RAMENNNN!!!" she yelled. Hajime and the others looked surprised and all laughed, Nagito nodded so then him and kaito went together and left hajime , kokichi and monaca at the benches. The three talked about the past and funny moments about past. Nagito and Kaito came back with bowls of ramen,making monaca clapping her hands happy to eat ramen with her family. While they were eating , they saw a bunch of people gathering smiling and laughing. Hajime and kokichi were the first to finished and others finished later on, They all headed to see what was the commotion about, as they headed there, people smiling and hearing fireworks at the night sky. Hajime and Nagito were smiling at each other smiling and monaca popped in and they all hugged. Kokichi smiled seeing his family so happy together while kaito grabbed his hand and took him where they can see the fireworks better. He found a perfect hidden spot where they were no people or distractions. 

Kaito grabbed kokichi hand and smiling at him "kokichi,you mean so much to me. You're everything to me" as kokichi smiled and tears going down his face " Kaito-kun" he said and before he could say anything else kaito kissed him on the lips softly and fireworks to come out. 

" I love you kaito-kun " he said softly to his husband 

" I Love you too kokichi" as he kissed his short purple haired husband. 

~ 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝑒𝓃𝒹 ~ 

aaaaa I can't believe I finally finished the fanfic!! =,D I just want to thank you all of my wonderful readers for supporting me and reading this fanfic I've been writing since April 2020!! This means so much to a lot!! I love you all and thank you so much for the support and love!! 


Y'all all valid 


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