" Little Kitten " Chapter 7

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(Narrator POV) 

Kokichi was in the living room watching some weird 90's anime shows , then Kaito comes to the living room with a bowl of Popcorn so then Kaito sat next to Kokichi and start to snuggle kokichi and Kokichi kissed him on the cheek

Kokichi was all in a snuggle with Kaito , until they heard a knock so Kaito got up from the couch and opened the door and there was no one there and then he looked down and It was a box that said adopt me and then he brought the box inside the house and then Kokichi looked at kaito. " what's in the box kaito?" then when Kaito opened the box they saw a baby kitten , kokichi fell in love with it very quickly , " awww a baby kitty" then Kokichi took it out of the box and hugged it " This is now our baby kaito" then Kaito looked at him and sighed " Kokichi , you can't make a cat as a baby" then kokichi stared at him 

" well I don't care what you think Kaito , she's our baby" then Kaito sighed and chuckled. Kaito went up to Kokichi and kissed him on the forehead " but Kokichi , you're my baby" then Kokichi started to blush and smile " AWW, KAITO" then Kokichi kissed him and Kaito garbbed him and threw him while holding to the couch, " I love you my Baby Kitten" said Kaito and then Kokichi smiled. 

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( I know these are getting short , I have been so busy I have to write them short bc I have a lot of homework and practice my guitar lesson , I played " Devil Town" by Cavetown yesterday) 

Love you all uwu

- Todomau Hitsame 

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