Time for Holidays!

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( I'm updating all book during my Health class cuz i feel bad for not updating!! ) 

Kaito finished making breakfast for the his husband and himself. Kokichi was still asleep and their two cats asleep with kokichi. Sleeping next to him. Kaito headed upstairs to wake him up and when he opened the door he saw Cats Sleeping next to him and Kaito couldn't resist it of taking a picture of them. 

Kokichi heard a snap and flash light and he opened his eyes and saw Kaito taking a picture of Him with the cats all snuggles up to him. " what time is it?" kaito looked at him and smiled " Time for you to get up and get ready for breakfast" kokichi grinned and went to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready. 

~ 20 Minutes Later ~ 

Kokichi headed downstairs and saw Kaito eating breakfast. " You ate without me , you big meanie" kaito looked up and saw his husband. " you were taking forever and I was getting hungry" Kokichi smiled and sat down " Fair enough" and kokichi grabbed a plate and grabbed some pancakes and maple syrup and poured some on his pancakes. They two couple ate and mostly talked about High School years and other stuff. 

They two finished breakfast and grabbed their coats and headed for a walk. Kaito closed the door behind him and headed to his husband and held his hand. 'His Hands are so cold' he thought to himself so Kaito grabbed his hands to heat them up. " Damn Kokichi you're hands are so cold" kokichi blushed and snickered " Yeah it's hella cold outside kaito , you didn't give me enough time for me to grab my gloves" Kaito signed and held his hand to their whole walk outside around the park. 

When they finished their walk kaito took him to Starbucks to grab some coffee. Kaito wanted to pay for the drinks but Kokichi wanted to so he let his husband pay. Kokichi ordered a Caramel Frappuccino with extra wipe cream and Kaito ordered Cold brew Coffee. They both got their drinks and headed out. " Kokichi are you sure you want to drink that? it's so cold outside" kokichi nodded his head and drank his drink. " Kokichi what's that?" kokichi looked and kaito drank some of his drink, kokichi turned around and saw him drinking his drink " hey! you big meanie that's my drink" he laughed and smiled " Wow that drink is really good." Kokichi smiled and drank some of his drink for revenge. " Oi! What the hell kokichi?" he snickered " That's what you get for drinking my Frappuccino you big meanie" kaito smiled and held his hand. They saw Christmas lights and remembering that it's December. They knew it was time for the Holidays 

( my hands hurts ) 


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