Chapter four

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Enjoy Killjoys
After we eat dinner, Jamia shows me to her guest room and tells me that it's mine now. "Thank you."

"It's no problem at all." She smiles. "I'm literally just down the hall if you need anything."

"Okay, thanks." I say, sitting on the soft bed. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Frankie." She turns and leaves, closing the door behind her. I turn the lamp, that's sitting on the bedside table, on and turn the main light off. I lay on the bed and think about everything that's happened in the last couple days. Maybe I've just got to forget about it and focus on my life currently.  I switch off the light and lay in the dark until I eventually doze off.
****2 years later****
I walk through the door and am engulfed by complete darkness. "Goddamit, where's the light switch?"

Before I can find the switch a candle lights and Jamia pops out of nowhere. "Surprise! Happy Birthday Frankie!"

"Gesus fuck!" I yell as a jolt of fear shoots through me. "Jams you scared the shit outta me."

She chuckles. "Good...So what's the plans for tonight? Are we gonna go out to dinner?"

"For what?" I ask, hanging up my sweater.

"For your birthday ya dumbfuck." She playfully insults. She walks over to me with the cupcake and candle, holding it up to my mouth.

I blow out the candle and she takes it, handing me the cupcake. "Oh, I don't know. I didn't plan on doing anything for my birthday."

"Oh well then we're going out." She walks back over to me. And evil grin grows on my face as I think of payback. "And you don't have a choi-"

She's cut off by a cupcake to the face. Frosting goes all over her face and in her hair. She looks shocked. "That's what you get for scaring the shit outta me."

"Oh really?" She wipes off some of the smushed pastry and, before I can react, grabs the back of my neck to hold me in place and smushes it into face.

She laughs as I open my mouth to catch and eat some of the cupcake. "Mmm, tasty."

"Look, now we're both all messy." She heads into her room, me following behind her. "I'm gonna go shower off all this and you go wash your face and get dressed."

"Awe, you're gonna destroy my masterpiece just like that? I thought I did a good job with the makeup." I fake pout.

"Oh haha. I'd let you do my makeup if I was going to a clown party or working for the circus, not to go out to dinner." She jokes back.

"Hey! I actually do a good job with makeup. You take that back." I point an accusing finger at her.

She chuckles. "No way Jose." Before I can say anything else she hurries and shuts the door. I laugh to myself, shaking my head and playfully roll my eyes. I wash my face off in the kitchen sink, and go change my outfit, putting something more presentable. After that, I walked into the bathroom. Jamia never locks the door, I swear one day someone's just gonna walk in and try to kill her just like in Psycho. I begin to do my makeup. It's only eyeliner and red eyeshadow, the same look I always do. "Can you hand me my washcloth?"

"Why didn't you grab it when you got in?" I ask.

She splashes water at me and sticks her head out of the curtains. "Just grab me my washcloth."

I pretend to think about it for a minute. "Hm, should I get you the washcloth. After all you did smash a cupcake into my face."

"You nincompoop you did it first!" She argues. "Fine, I'll grab my washcloth."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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