Chapter 6

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"W-What do you mean, (Y/N)?" Tsubasa blushed deeply as she leaned against him gently.

"I uhm... love you, Tsubasa."

"I-I... I love you too, (Y/N)." He wrapped his arm around her and kept her close. "Your nose is still bleeding." He reached into his pocket and got out a clean piece of tissue and wiped it gently and held her nose, slowly pushing her head back, so she is facing the sky. "Is this ok?"

"Y-Yeah..." She then passed out on the grass, her nose still bleeding.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! (Y/N)! Wake up!" Tsubasa nudged her and began to worry. He then put her bag on his back and picked her up bridal style. He then hurried through the woods to get to Metal City and took her to the hospital. The people in the hospital saw him carrying her and that the blood had now stained her face.


"Aah, Tsubasa. You came back later than expected." Doji hummed, smiling at him as the teenager glared at Yu, very angry at the little boy. "Where have you been?"

"I have been training in the woods to get stronger as a Blader." Tsubasa lied, but Doji was soo stupid, and believed it.

"I see. Then you won't mind me asking this next task for you to do." Doji then stood up and walked to his large cactus plant. "I want you to bring (Y/N) here. Normally, or by force, I don't care. Just bring her here by next week at most." Tsubasa gasped silently and shivered for a moment as Yu stared at him.

"Why do you want that show-off!?" Yu yelled at Doji.

"You see, (Y/N) is actually very special to a certain someone here in the Dark Nebula Organisation, and we'll need her here to prevent that from happening. We will sort her out." He chuckles evilly at the last part. "You think you can do that for me, Tsubasa?"



(Y/N) woke up to see that she was lying in a hospital bed. She looked around and felt a huge pain in her nose. Wait? Why is is bandaged up for? Did the kid really break it?

(Y/N)'s POV...

I grabbed the mirror from the counter and saw that my nose was purple, and bandaged it. It was factured probably, so that kid was stronger than I thought. It didn't hurt as if he'd broken it, but then again, I am a tough woman. Did Tsubasa bring me here? Or did he ditch me and somebody else find me? I don't know. She then saw someone open the door. It was Madoka, Kenta, Gingka and Benkei.

"(Y/N)!" They all yelled. I just smiled a little and looked at them.

"What happened?" Gingka asked, grabbing my hand with his own. "You look terrible."

"T-Thanks." I slowly laughed and groaned from the pain in my nose. "I got punched, and passed out in the forest, and I don't know how I got here."

"Hmm? Madoka, show her the letter." Kenta mentioned which made me curious.

"What letter?"

"This letter." Madoka showed me then began to read it. "Ok, 'This is a letter for Gingka and his friends. This letter is to tell you that (Y/N) (L/N) is in the hospital in Metal City. She has passed out from an injury, but you'll know when you see you. Take care of her for me', and that was it." Madoka looked up at me at the end. "Do you know who it is from?"

"How would I know? I have been asleep for a while." They then laughed quietly. I joined in, but couldn't laugh for long due to the pain.

"Excuse me. Visiting time will be over soon because of the time. Please be prepared to leave as soon as possible." A nurse walked in holding a board with a pen and paper. Benkei nodded and looked at me once again.

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