III - Anomalous Fealty

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A2 instantly felt herself being lifted from behind. Huge metallic hands were shut tight around her elbows. The standard-issue YoRHa blade A2 had held since that fateful mission so long ago materialized in her grasp, but try as she might, she couldn't move her arms to strike. Meanwhile, as that splitting pain started to settle in her core, the horde of machines towards her front were advancing, falling over each other in an unorganized horrific stride as if laying waste to the grappled android before them was of the utmost, utmost priority in the entirety of their synthetic lives up to that point.

Let go.

She kicked a small Stubby away, its arms spinning in that typical stupid attack motion as it went soaring out of sight. The projectiles from the Flyers floated ever closer as the dense trees around shook with the approach of even more hostiles. Survival would mean escaping the grapple within the next seconds.

You want this.

A2 bent her legs in an attack motion towards the Goliath that held her, but the pain had grown unbearable. She couldn't make as much as a dent.

You know you want this. We know you want this.

Her world slowed to a freeze. That flood of anomalous dark-violet eyes brightened until the color was all A2 could see.

Even right now, you're cursing those damned pods that rebuilt you! That hatred robs you of breath.

That voice...

Trust us, A2. We know. The data doesn't lie. It's a concept that's become clear to us in the years since this world so carelessly cast us out.

Those voices...

We know how much it hurts, A2. All that hate...

Number 4 materialized into her vision as she spoke the words, with 16 and 21 at her respective sides.

The war's over! We lost! You know just as damned well as we do! Stop denying it!

That was 16 again, arms folded, her obscured figure swaying in the flames.

They outnumber you forty-to-one. It's over. Stop resisting, A2.

A2 would have glared at 21 for questioning her abilities in such a way, but seeing her now, all she could do was look. She felt her face twitching with that struggle to hold everything in. As their leader, she couldn't let them see her break. She wouldn't.

Come now. Number 4 walked forward and rested her hands on the back of A2's neck. There's no need to live with the hurt anymore. We miss you. Come with us.

She leaned in close, resting a gentle forehead on A2's. Her silver hair was down to her shoulders, just as it'd always been. She was always saying how she wished she had A2's long hair, said it would've added to her silhouette or something. A2 would always laugh on the inside at how ridiculous she sounded. There was Number 4, always the shining pillar that kept us standing. Part of A2 had always wished she could be more like her.

Stop resisting. Number 4's voice lowered to a whisper. Your fusion reactor is still primed. Just let go. We'll take care of everything.

A2 blinked, and her eyes slowly began to close.

That's it. Just let go. We'll take care of-

Number 4's touch became freezing cold. Two other figures appeared at her former squad's side. 9S was turned away, but 2B looked straight at A2, sword in hand.

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