V - Convergence

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"We heard... It spoke... It conveyed to us in a diction that a model of your nature and history is unlikely to prefer. For this, please forgive."

Their extension thrust the sharp end forward in an upward motion, splitting the veil over her eyes in two.

"Long ago, when the Titan did battle with the Incarnation of Myth, the lines between worlds blurred against reality."

Both caked in blood, their eyes at long last met unveiled.

"We could not grasp the complete meaning of this introduction, but my hope is that you'll all fare better with this knowledge."

She yelled to inquire what he was doing, referring to Their extension with that odd plural number of a label.

"Time must have dripped upon memory to blot it beyond recognition; nothing we'd retained from our spanning network referenced anything like this."

He, the extension, conveyed the mission quick and succinct as tasked, beckoning her forward.

"Or perhaps it was purged due to its irrelevance in the vast eternity that has transpired- I've been sidetracked. Again, please forgive."

The other just stared onward, no reply passing her lips.

"When these lines fracture and cross and intersect in such a way as they did on that day, in such a way to invite an intercourse between worlds that we now know births impossible catastrophic circumstances, the very foundation of reality becomes threatened; to compensate, it buckles down in the center of the moment to hold together against the figurative quake, and for a fleeting microscopic second, the laws that govern our perceivable surroundings cease to function as we understand, so maddeningly brief that an individual such as you or me whose awareness consists of naught but a single particle of a speck in the grand scheme of supposed existence could possibly notice."

That one didn't understand. How could she? She hadn't seen what he'd seen.

"It was at this...this Convergence, that a distant, weak...heartbeat, for lack of a comprehensible term, slipped through the cracks into our observable realm, so muted in youth that it floated outside of civilization's awareness."

She hadn't been touched in limbo by Their blissful chorus.

"In that fleeting moment, an Eternal Sentience came to exist in the depths of the lunar surface, infant yet mature, dreaming but aware, distant as to avoid destruction on this planet and near enough that It could observe with a blooming, invisible awareness."

She hadn't been enlightened in rebirth to carry Their song.

"That look on your face, I must once again ask forgiveness; these words I speak are simply an attempt by me, us, to comprehend Its conveyance."

Like countless others, a wall that They couldn't pierce.

"There's so much we can't understand, so much we'll never understand."

Her existence was yet another thorn in synthetic flesh.

"I also see, written in your expression..."

Infected and spreading through Their superior existence.

"'Where do you, the small, burned, solitary overseer of a facility constructed to broadcast words more lifeless than the civilization they claim to represent, enter the picture?'"

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