XXI - Let It Be

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2B opened her eyes to see the blue sky's grace. She was lying on her back, flat on a "bed" of some kind that was no doubt constructed for function over comfort. The android sat up, almost butting heads with her hovering companion.

"Good morning, 2B," said Pod-042. "I do not have the words to express how ecstatic I am to see you awake and well."

Pod-042's voice caught her off-guard. It was amusing, the tone and evenness of his speech clashing with what the words implied, his faceless nature with its featureless expression betraying the emotional relief he'd voiced. 2B felt herself smile and gave a light chuckle of her own relief and thanked the pod with a slight patting stroke across his left side. The relief didn't last, however, as she gave her surroundings a quick sweep. "Where's 9S?"

"Easy." Pod-042 hovered around to keep in front of her as she moved to stand. "The Apprentice advised me to address you to take it slow; your navigational systems may be experiencing delay in wake of the trauma you've endured."

"I'm f-" 2B stumbled to one knee as she moved to take a step. She cursed under her breath and moved her right arm to rest on her leg.

"It would appear her hypothesis was correct," said Pod-042. "Nines is further in the back, behind the fence where that fire pit used to reside. The Apprentice has refashioned the area into an operating clinic of sorts. The Headband-half conveyed something about working better in privacy, where it's just them and their patients, which is understandable. They've used some of the pieces from the Tower to block off the fence into their own space."

2B stood, extending out both arms to maintain balance; the entire world was spinning, like she was lost in a sea.

"I-is he okay?"

"His state was more urgent, but he'll make it. The Apprentice works fast, but many more are wounded, still." Pod-042 moved a bit closer to the android. "Are you okay, 2B? I'm sensing an alarming change of pitch in your-"

"Yes, I just..." Her voice trailed off. "I just reminded myself of something."

"I understand," the pod was quick to reply. "What can I do?"

"Just stay right here." 2B looked out towards the resistance camp. A handful of androids were present, and a few were moving towards her. "Somewhere alone. Somewhere solitary, peaceful, and still outside."

"Acknowledged. Calculating route." She was starting to see distorted colors. "Calculated. Follow me."

2B took a deep breath, composed herself, and focused on her pod.

"Hi, 2B?" One of those androids stepped close. "I just wanted to thank you for-"

"Appreciated, but please step away from my friend," said Pod-042 loudly, addressing all immediate souls around her. "The events of these past days have taken a substantial toll and she requires a period of solitude to gather her bearings. Thank you for understanding."

"Oh. Uh, of course." That first android was already backing away, and the two others were following suit. Pod-042 made a hard turn to the right, around that rundown building and out towards the city ruins, stopping at that clearing with the shallow ponds where the sound of water and the wind through the trees were at their greatest in a peaceful harmony.

"Does this spot meet your expectations?"

2B continued to take in the natural beauty of the area, miraculously untouched by the ruin of the Tower. "It exceeds."

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