31 A Bad Situation...

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"What are you doing?"

Cam's head whipped around as her dad bursted into her room. Cam turned so that he couldn't see her phone in her back pocket.

"Nothing." She snapped, "Just getting some fresh air."

She looked back out the window.

"You better not being trying to escape again."

Cam scoffed loudly. "I wouldn't have escaped if you weren't abusive!" She shouted.

He made an unreadable face after her statement, almost like he was taken aback.

"I'm not fucking abusive, Cameron!" His voice was loud and angry, making Cam flinch, "You're a little brat who doesn't appreciate me!"

"What the fuck am I supposed to appreciate?" She shrilled, standing up from her seat.

He didn't respond. Perfect time to rant.

"Am I supposed to appreciate all the times I had to drag your ass inside the house after you passed out drunk on the lawn? Or maybe all the times I had to clean up your puke? Or all the times I had to tend to wounds that YOU gave me?"

Still no response. Just guilt.

"Why the fuck did you have to come into my life again? I was happy! I was fucking happy! I made friends! I met a boy! And then you had to come in and ruin everything again! Because that's all you do... ruin things. It's been a month. Why did you force me to come back the second I was happy again?"

Her dad's face gradually turned red throughout her rant. He was angry. But did Cam care anymore? Not one bit. Before she ran away, she was terrified to even say the wrong word. But she changed. And clearly he didn't.

"Do you know how hard it is for me to be your dad?" He shouted, "With you always making me seem like the bad guy? With you acting like a little bitch all the time? Why don't you wake up and see that none of those people you met care about you? They'll never care about you like I care about you."

"Oh bullshit! You've never cared!" A lump formed in her throat, threatening the tears that were forming around her green eyes.

"I cared more than you'll ever know!" His voice was louder than she had ever heard it. She flinched loudly at it.

She stared speechless at the floor. The tears that were previously threatening her eyes fell onto her pale skin.

"Pull yourself together and see yourself for what you really are." He continued, his voice lowering, "An unlovable bitch."

He turned on his heel and headed out the door, making sure to slam it as loud as he could in the process.

Cam instantly broke into a sob as she pulled her phone out of her back pocket.

Yeah, she was sad. But also glad. Because what he didn't know was, she was recording the whole time.

Two points Cam. Zero points dad.

She stopped the recording to prevent her sobs from being in the video as she knew she would be showing it to the judge.

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