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the sigh of relief that leaves your lips when you open the door was all you needed

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the sigh of relief that leaves your lips when you open the door was all you needed. yoongi was sitting in his studio chaired and turned around at the door as if he knew you were coming in.


you close the door behind you, placing your phone in the pocket of your sweats and trudging over to yoongi. "so very tired hyung."

the older man lets out a chuckle as he stands up, coming to you and wrapping his warm arms around you. a sigh of content leaves his mouth when you lay your head on his chest. "did you come straight here after getting everything done?"

you knew a scolding was coming.

so you mutter a, "yes."

yoongi pulls your body away from his so you could see his face, "why would you do that if you haven't slept all day?"

"but i have!"

"when?" yoongi still had his grip on you.

"at like 5."

"which is exactly why you should've went back to you dorm and slept." he scolds you, before he pulls you back to his chest. the both of you were still standing and you couldn't lie that your throat hurt from all the singing that you had endured today.

"but i wanted to be with you hyung."

yoongi lets out a small groan, but he still pulls your body over to the small couch in the corner of his studio. he lets go of you and lays on it before he had opened his arms wide so you could lay beside him, which you did.

even though the couch was small, uncomfortable and you were practically laying on top of the older you wouldn't change a thing. you would much rather be here with him instead of alone in your dorm.

"if you're sleepy then go to sleep." yoongi urges you as he had began to rub your back, bringing his hand up and then going through your damp hair.

taking a shower before coming over was the best decision you had made.

"i wanna talk."

the man hums, still rubbing you. "about?"

"anything." you respond, eyes slowly opening and closing.

as soon as yoongi began to talk your eyes had shut and you were out like a light. the warmness of his body colliding with yours and the coolness of the studio relaxing you.


the first thing you see when you wake up is yoongis dorm room ceiling. it was almost pitch black dark but a small light from yoongis laptop made it illuminate through the room.


you don't get a response so you move your leg to the side and feel yoongi — he was in fact laying right there next to you. pulling your phone out of your pocket you look at the time that read 2:34am and wow you had slept for a while. turning on the flashlight you put it close to the olders face, going up to his face and peppering kisses on him to wake him up.

"yah." yoongi groans, but he doesn't push you away.

as you continued to annoy him with your lips and hands he finally halts you with his own hand, it going up to hold your chin. you were surprised which led you to putting your phone down, mouth hung open due to yoongis hand still gripping it.

"aish, how dare you wake me up when i let you sleep?" yoongi lets go of your chin, rolling over to his side. he really enjoyed his sleep.

"i'm sure you've had enough sleep hyung, i've been asleep for a while now."

"yeah you have." yoongi mutters, his words slurring together as if he was about to fall back asleep just that quick.

"how'd you get me up here? nobody seen?"

yoongi sighs and turns back around to you, his arms once again going to wrap around your body. "only lee hyung seen and i just told him i was taking you to bed." this time yoongi lays his head on your chest.

"ah." your leg unconsciously goes around yoongi. "what we're you asking me before i fell asleep?"

yoongi hesitates in your chest but still responds, "i was just gonna ask if you had seen dispatch or naver, whichever."

"no, why?"

"nothing." the man shakes his head.

"why'd you ask hyung?"

"nothing really." yoongi looks up at you and sighs when he sees the frown on your face. "i was just asking on if you seen the headline with you and chung-ha, and uh jihoon."

you were about to respond but yoongi had cut you off, "but it didn't matter because you already told me that it was just a big pr-stunt."

you agree with him by nodding your head. "it is, i'm supposed to continue with chung-ha noona up until a month from now and i'm just gonna be fell my fans that i'm friends with her."

"you sure?"

"yes." you frown looking down at yoongi. jinho had explained to you that the only reason you and her was doing that was for video views, and guess what? nosy fans equaled sells.

it's not what you wanted and honestly the ones who were deeply into your business like that wasn't your fans. so the ones who truly were you were respecting them.

"what about jihoon?" yoongis grip tightened around your waist.

"it gonna have a livestream with him sometime next week." you start but yoongi shakes his head.

"no no. what about the pr stunt with him?"

"oh." you look at him. "nothing we're still acting like close friends." you and actually were starting to be close friends.

"ah. that must explain why he's so touchy." the mans grip was still there.

"yes, he's a little touchy." you wiggle your body a bit. "you don't like that?"

"no." yoongi is honest.

"i'll tell him to stop."

yoongis grip loosens and he relaxes around you. "you don't have to if you're comfortable with it." he looks at you.

"i am but you're my boyfriend and you're not comfortable with it."

yoongi just nods his head as you continue talking, wrapping his arms around you tightly before his mouth was hanging open letting small snores out.

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