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It all started here when m/n let his namjoon hyung know that he wanted to be an idol

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It all started here when m/n let his namjoon hyung know that he wanted to be an idol. That he wanted to be successful just like him.

"m/n are you sure you want to be a kpop idol?" namjoon looked down at him. he had just walked in from who knows where.

"hyung" m/n whined. he looked at m/n and narrowed his eyes making him roll his in return. he didn't know how many times he had to sit there and explain that to namjoon.

"i'm pretty sure-" he thought of a better word. "no- i'm pretty positive! that i want to be a kpop idol, i've always said i wanted to be just like you. in every aspect." he mumbled, chewing on his bottom lip afterwards.

namjoon slightly smiled and shook his head at the younger boy. he came to sit next to him and patted his knee making m/ns face scrunch up. "i'm not ten anymore" he said, frowning his arched eyesbrows.

"sit here please." namjoon said rolling his eyes. m/n sighed but complied and sat on his knee, turning his body around so he was facing him. 

"i know you've always wanted to be like me. you literally followed me everywhere around the house when you were smaller. it was cute" as he watched him speak all m/n did was nod, because he knew of this information since it was literally about him.

"what i'm saying is, being a kpop idol takes a lot on you and you're only fifteen. i don't want you to go through anything so hard at such a young age." namjoon winced thinking of all the hardships him and the rest of bangtan went through. and m/n on the other hand paid it no mind, because even though they went through that look at where their hard work got them now.

"hyung i'm ready i promise" he insisted. namjoon looked at m/n while he gave him the best puppy dog eyes and biggest smile his face could give.

"okay." he said sighing, good. m/n kissed his cheek making him smile, his dimple as clear as day. he then hopped off of his lap and grinned, letting his same two dimples show off. not gonna lie, he looked just like namjoon but on the other hand he had your features in his face that made him look remarkably unique.

"so when are you taking me to audition?" m/n asked, tossing a strand of hair away from his face.

"how about next week? so you have time to practice more?" he asked now standing up. he then looked at his watch and his eyes widened. "aish, i promised the boys we would go out to eat together tonight." he looked back over to m/n and shrugged, with a guilty look covering him.

"hyung, why i have never met the boys." m/n said narrowing his eyes at him, he then placed his hands on his small waist.

"you have" he lifts a eyebrow. "over facetime."

"not in person though, it's not the same"

"you'll meet them after your audition okay? we are going to bighit right? that's who you want to audition for? or some other company?" deep down inside, namjoon wanted m/n to audition for bighit so he could have his eyes on him at all times. no one was gonna run over on his brother, and he would make sure of that.

m/n nodded eagerly. he also wanted to be close to his big brother as much as possible. he wanted to be in the same company as him because he didn't want to seem as rivals being in two different big kpop companies.

"okay great" he looked down at his watch again. "i'm gonna leave. tell mom i'll see her next week and i'll be here on tuesday at eight am sharp to get you." he looked at him, his big brotherness peeking in. "we cannot be late, so take this seriously and be up and ready in time okay?"

"okay hyung." m/n smiled.

as soon as namjoon turned to leave out the door m/n ran up to his room and turned his karaoke machine on getting ready to practice. he knew he was gonna nail that audition and he was ready for it. so all night, he practiced, practiced, and practiced until his body needed a break. m/n continued to do that for the rest of the week, no worries though because he knew he was gonna ace it.

he was ready for the path the kpop idol world would take him on, m/n just hoped they were ready for him.

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