Up All Night.

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It feels like we've been living in fast forward.
Another moment passing by.
The party's ending but it's now or never.
Nobody's going home tonight.


My head hurts already and I haven't even been inside yet. My dress is becoming nearly unbearable, constantly giving off unnecessary heat.

I should've worn pants.

As soon as I'm in the huge frat house, I'm being pushed and pulled into different directions. Louis hands me a small red cup with what seems to be a greenish liquid, making me feel sick as I politely decline.

"Come on Kenny. You only live once." He chuckles as he takes a sip from the liquid in his cup.

"Seriously? You're quoting Drake?" I speak over the music as he seems quite amused with himself. He shrugs, taking my hand, me following. We near what seems to be a kitchen, as I spot that familiar curls. My irritation flowing through me.

"Ash, Harry." Louis speaks loudly, me feeling very uncomfortable.

"What the fuck took you so long?" Ashley speaks, noticing me stepping out from behind Louis. "Why did you bring that Bitch?"

"You two know each other?" Louis turns to me.

"We don't know each other, we share a dorm." I answer, Harry taking a sip from his whiskey.

"You didn't have to bring her." He says full of annoyance. "What's your name, anyways?"

"It's.." I gulp, trying to swallow my frustration. "It's Kenny."

"What kind of name is that? What, did your mom hate you or something?" Ashley laughs as Harry joins her.

"Kenny. Short for what, Kennedy? Kendra?"

I nod my head, as he smirk, rolling his eyes. "Well, Kendra, this isn't a fucking tea-party so it's better if you just take your shit and leave." He says, pushing past be, our shoulders slamming together.

"It's better if I leave." I say trying to head to the door. I'm taken aback by Louis hand gently wrapping around my wrist, stopping me in my tracks.

"Please stay?" He asks, his eyes burning into mine. "We can go upstairs for a while. Just...stay?"

I sigh, nodding as he takes my hand. We walk upstairs, to where I assume the rooms are. He opens one of the many doors as he enters, pulling me in with him. I take in the sight in front of me, exactly how I imagined a guy's room would look like. Messy, but not too messy. He takes a seat on the end of his bed, patting the space next to him.

"Don't worry about them." He says as I sit next to him.

"Oh trust me, I'm not." I say, playing with a loose strand of his comforter. "I just don't get what their problems are. I haven't done anything to them yet they treat me like complete and utter bullshit."

"They do that to everyone. Don't let it get to your head. Someone as beautiful as you shouldn't be worrying about people like them." He says as I smile at his words.

"But why?"

"I.. I don't know. All I know is that Ashley didn't used to be like this. That is.. until she met Harry." He says, scratching the back of his neck.

"So.. They are dating?"

"I don't think so.. I guess you could say they.. use each other." He speaks slowly, shrugging.

"Use each other?" I ask. "For what?"

"Sex. That's all this is about, Kenny." I quietly gasp, putting my hand over my mouth as Louis reaches for it, gently taking it off. "Harry doesn't believe in love. He believes that love is just a myth and sex should take its place. That's when Ashley came to LU. He saw the perfect opportunity to get what he wants. Of course Ashley was a virgin, and she was sweet and humble. Harry changed her."

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