Chapter 2 - Part 1

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Sam seemed different to other guys and although we had only known eachother for about an hour now, sitting on the swings, I seem to be drawn to him, like I want to know more and get to know him. He asked questions like he genuinly cared and wanted to know, he looked me in the eyes as he really listened to what I had to say. The way he laughed, the way he spoke, it gave me a weird feeling inside, one that I wasn't sure of. He took his hood off as he brushed his curly locks out of his face. I  "I don't think the rain is planning on stopping for us anytime soon," he says smiling. "I think your right, it'll probably get worst knowing my luck," I say as if on que. The sky lit up as lightning joined in with the clouds and rain. I sighed and tightened my grip on the swings chain. Admittedly, if I was scared of anything it'd be out of two things, spiders and big thunderstorms. I bite my lip as I look up at the black sky and then back to Sam. "You okay?" He asked putting his hand on mine. Immedietly I feel a shiverdown my spine, but it was a good shiver, I dont know how to explain it. I look at Sam and can tell I would be blushing. "I'm scared of thunderstorms," I admit biting my lip, "But I don't want to go home." He gives me a sympathetic smile. "He I know we just met but how bout we go see if anything is open and we can get a milkshake or something, get out of the rain?" He asks slightly smiling. Wow, I mean, I've seen some guys with a sexy smile, but Sam's was amazing, he was actually quite attractive, even if he was drenched. WAIT. I slap my forehead as I look down at what I was wearing ( and not only that, my makeup would be a mess. Here I am in old ripped jeans, a jumper, in my old converses and my messy hair covered with a beanie, talking to a guy who probably thinking I'm some random girl with a bad sense of fashion. Gaaaa-reaaat. "Everything okay?" He says letting out a small laugh. "Huh? What? Oh, YES," I say blushing more. "That sounds really nice, I'd like that," I say getting off of the swing. 

We walked into the open 24 hour cafe like shop. It was odd that anything was open at this time, but we were glad to be out of the rain. In the full light I could see that Sam was even more attractive then I thought, he had brown curly hair, that fell infront of one of his eyes, almost perfectly. He had bright blue eyes, that held so many emotions it was crazy. He was quite tall and you could see he had muscle as his clothes stuck to his skin showing most of his outlines. "Sienna?" Sam asks waving his hand infront of my face. I snapped out of my daydream realising I was staring right at him. I'm an idiot. "Did you want to go get some seats and I'll buy us a milkshake," He says flashing me a smile. Oh Gosh, I think I just melted inside. "Sure thing," I reply as I walk over to the corner seats away from anyones sights. What was wrong with me? I just met this guy and I'm already feeling like a girl in love. This was silly, how could I like him? How can he make me feel like this when we just met tonight? I don't know what was happening to me.

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