Chapter 2 - Part 2

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Wow shes beautiful. I don't know what it is about her but she doesn't seem like every other average teenage drama queen I've known. Even after being in the rain for hours she still looks stunning, how is that even possible? I don't know how you would explain her. Shes shy and doesn't talk that much unless you ask questions but she seems to know a lot, she seemed to understand me when I said nothing. Theres a mystery to her though, something shes hiding, something that she shuts off from everybody else. I just met her, but I think there could be more. I don't know, I doubt she'd go for someone like me anyway. Probably too smart to do that. I frown as my thoughts begin to get more and more negative. "Two chocolate milkshakes please," I say smiling at the girl behind the counter. I hand over $8.00 and look over to where Sienna was sitting but she was already looking. I blush a little and look away quickly. OKAY so maybe I like her then? A bit? A lot? I just met her, how could I? This is stupid! She'd never like me! I frown a little as I wait for the milkshakes to be made. "So did you have a day out with your girlfriend?," the girl behind the counter asks half smiling. I look at her a little confused then realised she was referring to Sienna. "Oh, what? Oh no no, just frie..." I stop and look over at Sienna who is now lip miming to the song that was playing. I laugh a little. She was so cute. "Yeah," I say smiling. I don't know why I lied about her being my girlfriend. That was silly. What came over me? "Here are your milkshakes," the counter girl said handing them to me. I walk over to Sienna and I swear her face brightened when she saw me. Wait, no, why would it? I think to myself. "I got you chocolate is that okay?" I say a little unsure as I sits next to her. "Chocolate is my favourite, so yes, thankyou Sam," she says sweetly. Wow, what is it about her that makes you drawn toward her with every word that comes out of her mouth. "Awesome," He says smiling and taking a sip of his drink. "Its much it feels like I've known you forever, I don't even know how to explain" She confesses quietly as her cheeks redden slightly. I completely know what shes means, but how can I tell her I think to myself. "Sienna, I don't know what it is about you, you seem like everything I've been looking for, everything we have talked about I talk about to no one, but I told you, this is probably completely strange, but, I'd really like to hang out again," I say biting my lip nervously. This was not my plan for tonight. I wasn't expecting to meet some girl and I definetly wouldn't expect to like someone this much after one day, and it wasn't even a whole day. She chokes a little on her milkshake making her knock the drink all over herself. Okay, that must mean it is strange. She sighs a little but looks up seeming to not care as she smiles at me. "I'd love that," She says simply, "How about tomorrow?" Shes says uncertain. "Tomorrow would be perfect," I say as I grab a napkin and start cleaning the milkshake. "All my bad luck seems to disappear and not matter because I met you," Shes says smiling and distracting herself as she cleans the mess off her clothes. After we cleaned up the mess we got up and headed outside. It was still cold and I could tell that the wet clothes Sienna was wearing wasn't keeping her warm at all. "Here you must be freezing," I say taking my jumper off leaving me in just a plain white shirt. "Aw, thankyou, are you sure? You'll be cold though?" She asks a little uncertain about taking it. "I'm sure," I say smiling as she takes the jumper, her hand brushing against mine as she does, sending shivers all over my body. We stop as she tries taking her jumper off to replace it with mine. It doesn't exactly work for her though and her top comes off with her jumper. I try not to look but it was hard not to as she hadn't even realised it happened.  "Um, Sienna, your top," I say trying not to laugh. She looks down and sees that she was wearing nothing but a fluro pink bra. "Oh my goodness," She says covering herself with my jumper. "Sorry," she says turning bright red." Its okay," I laugh and look away as she puts the jumper on. 

"Okay, well here it is," shes saying sighing as we reach her house. "Thankyou for walking me home," She says looking down. I just smile, lifting her chin up gently. "Anytime, so I'll see you tomorrow yeah?," I say looking into her bright blue eyes. Gosh she was so beautiful. "Yes, for sure," I reply, "Oh and your jumper? Umm?" She says a little embarrassed at what had happened earlier. "Just give it to me tomorrow," I say kissing her cheek, "Goodnight." "Night," She says as she walks up her path to her door and inside. Did I really just kiss her? I wonder if she minded? Should I have? 

Questions of the night overflowed in my mind as I walked home. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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