Chapter One

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Chapter One! Here we go, I hope you enjoy!


Today I woke up like any other day, alone and sad. With no one around to comfort me or make me breakfast like normal parents do. No, mine had already left for work around an hour ago. They didn't care about me, they never even tell me if they are going on business trips; if I was lucky sometimes they would leave a note and some money for dinner. I hate to sound so negative about them, I know that they work hard everyday to support this family, but to be honest how hard could it be? There's only three of us and they're never even home.

Moving on from the bad thoughts about my parents, I stretched my arms into the air and yawned loudly. The beige curtains had slightly shifted open, so the sun streamed in and lightened up my gray room. Earning a grunt from me, because I was most definitely not a morning person.

I removed myself from the tangled up covers, with a great deal of effort. I fell onto the frozen hardwood floor, like every other morning.

"Uggghhhh," I groaned, as I lay in a tired heap on the floor. I was not looking forward to going to school, I don't think anyone even liked the place. Some people might enjoy going so they can see their friends, but for me there's no reason to even go; I don't have any friends. Sometimes I even stay home, as if I was sick. Then, when the school calls my house to make sure that my parents know I'm not at school, I just answer and pretend to be my mom. It's not like my parents would care anyway.

I put on my warmest pair of slippers and walked down the stairs to make some coffee, I don't know how I would get through the day without my coffee. I liked it black with just a dash of cream and a whole lot of sugar. I tried to get in extra energy boosters as much as I could throughout the day.

I sat down at the huge morning room table, and yes we had a morning table. But, it felt so empty. There were about ten seats and there were only three of us, and since it was technically a table only made for breakfast time I was the only one who ever used it. My parents always grabbed a granola bar and made their coffee to go. The couple times that I had witnessed them leaving, they didn't even acknowledge each others existence, it was sort of sad.

I spent a lot of my time sitting in those wooden chairs, contemplating the meaning of life and our existence as a whole; you know like any other person would do. It was quite a peaceful place, I did most of my school work, reading and writing there. With the beautiful view of our cliche perfectly mowed backyard, not like anyone went back there besides the gardener. Also, with the early morning light coming in through the sky lights. It was just peaceful. But, when I got thinking everything changed.

I would start to question if my parents even really knew I existed. Every year I wasn't ever even that surprised when they got my birthday a day late or even a week late. At least they tried. But, I never complained, I knew that some people had it worse than I did. I had a beautiful home with parents who were still together. So by default I had a family, even if they weren't perfect.

I finished up my coffee in my favorite mug. It was one from Disney World in Florida. Most people would probably think, "oh that's your favorite mug because Disney World was fun, right?" But, it's a lot more than that. When we went to Disney World I was about seven, so around ten years ago. It was really hot and the weather was horrible. But, even though the vacation kind of sucked; we were together, as a family. It was before my dad started working for the huge law firm and before my mom finished college. Even better it was before I started to get sad, before I drifted away from the only people that might of cared about me.

I stopped staring at the worn out mug, that held so many memories and put it in the sink.

I'll just wash it when I get home, I thought to myself. I walked up the hardwood stairs, luckily my feet were still encased in the warmth of my slippers. I went to the closet next to my room and grabbed a towel for my shower.

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