Chapter 14

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Sometimes, I dream about how my life might have been if I hadn't made that choice. I can stare at the clouds all I want and wonder.

But it's to late for regrets. It's not that I regret my choices; there are just times when the human mind wonders.

I have to stand by my decisions because in the end, I know that it was the right choice. Even if all I ended up saving is one person, at least I saved one person.


 Austin came the next morning and practically demanded that I ride with him to school. I was still feeling uncomfortable around him due to what he said the previous night, but I decided to go with him anyways.

Actually, the main reason I rode with him was because my own car is about out of gas, and I'm not ready to cough up the money for it. It isn't like I don't make enough money for gas; the CBA pays me well enough. It's just that when I start spending, I enjoy it so much that I want to buy more and more things.

I have problems controling the greedy monster inside of me, and I hate it. So I try to save all my money in order to contain myself.

For once in his life, Austin was quiet. I wasn't up to having a comfortable conversation with him either. I'm not even really sure why he wanted to give me a ride this morning.

Instead of talking, I found myself studying Austin. I hadn't really studied him before, and I don't know why. Austin's hazel eyes were focused directly on the road ahead of him, and his knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel so tightly. If I didn't know better, I'd think he was having his first driving exam.

Aside from being nervous, Austin is a rather attractive guy. Unlike me, he has a nice tan along with a strong, muscular figure. His dark blonde hair looked like he had just run his fingers through it instead of brushing it.

"Taylor," Austin said, breaking the silence. "I wanted to apologise for being rude to you yesterday."

An apology? Well, that is a surprise. I looked at my own rather pale hands folded in my lap. "It's alright."

"No, it's not alright. It is unacceptable to yell at someone just because I'm upset." Austin shook his blonde head in disagreement. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"You're forgiven then?" I hoped that was the response Austin wanted.

"Does that mean we are still friends?"

"Um, sure." I was unaware that Austin and I were friends to begin with.

 "Good," Austin grinned. With one hand on the wheel, he reached the other hand into the back seat. "I have something for you." He handed me another bottle of Mountain Dew.

"Austin, you don't need to keep giving me free Mountain Dew." I am grateful for it, but at the same time, I'm still kind of nervous around Austin. I don't know if I should keep accepting gifts from him. For all I know, he could have poisoned it.

"Nonsense. It's my peace offering." Austin smiled at me. He has a lovely smile. "That way, you know my apology is genuine."

Oh whatever. I may as well accept it; I'll need it to stay awake today, anyways. Besides, it never hurts to trust someone.


I have a vocal concert tonight, and I'm kind of dreading it. I never look forward to those kind of things. It feels like any event related to music just drains me. At the end of a performance, I always feel exhausted even though all I'm doing is singing a few songs with the choir.

 Also, I'm required to wear this black and white formal dress for concerts. It isn't a particularly hideous dress by itself, but whenever I wear it, I feel ugly. It isn't very comfortable either, and it is really long; I'm constantly tripping on it.

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