Capitulo Cinco

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Everyone looked at the speaker.

Seeing that it was Lisa, Jongin hissed.

He pointed at Lisa and said, "You trash! Who gave you the right to speak here?"

Kim Jongin aka Kai has such deep hatred for Lisa for such reasons. Well, mainly because of her marriage with Jennie, he feels as if Lisa doesn't deserve to be a part of their family. Secondly, it was because of the called off merging also because of their marriage. Money matters for him. And lastly, nothing, he just sees Lisa as rubbish.

Lisa grinned, "I did. Also, you guys are spouting nonsense to my wife, who gave you the right too?" Then she looked at Suga and continued.

"Mr. Yoongi, pardon me but my wife is off limits. You can find someone out there; I believe there'll be girls who are waiting for you." 

Suga smirked stared at Lisa and said, "You're useless, you know? You can't even think of a way to help Lady Kim's family and you're acting this way? Huh, fuck off, low-life." 

This time, the people around agreed with Suga's words. 

"Yeah, you unnamed creature, why are you even trying to fit in with us when you have nothing to contribute aside from washing Jennie's clothes?" Kim Jongin butted in.

Lisa looked at her wife, trying to look for some concerns or whatever. And when she saw her wife's unmoved cold expressions, she just sighed.

'Wow, I'm her wife.' She sadly thought.

Lisa masked everything with a grin and said, "My wife isn't even complaining, why the fuss? And besides-" Jennie cut her off.

"Lisa shut up! Could you please shut your mouth up this time?" She said annoyingly. 

Lisa just zipped her mouth and turned around to leave. 

People laughed. And Jongin said, "You see that? Jennie doesn't even care if you exist or not. That's right, leave, asshole. You don't belong here."

Lady Kim added, "When the divorce papers come, you sign it immediately. I will give you 10,000 bucks so never come back, okay? Leave, you're ruining my mood." 

"I bet you've never seen such money before, yeah? So go, don't show your face to me anymore." Her mother-in-law said.

Lisa hissed and said, "Yes, I will never look back at your trashy family. You can eat your mere 10,000 bucks, I don't need it."

Lisa looked at Jennie for the last time and left.

This time, Jennie was shocked. She never thought that her little wife would be so daring and that she'll say those words. She was scared that Lisa will really leave her this time. 

She can't show her emotions, not with those people present. So she tried to set it all aside for later, hoping that Lisa will be at home, doing household stuffs.

Her mother Hae-sook this time whispered in her ear and said, "You don't need to worry about that trash, you can just marry Mr. Yoongi and your life will be fixed. Unlike that rubbish who just opens her mouth and can't even help you this time." 

But Jennie didn't mind her mother and looked at Lady Kim and said,

"I won't divorce Lisa, grandma. As for the investors, I will find a way to help you out. So I'm sorry but I'll have to ruin your plans." She said nonchalantly.

As always, Jongin intervened. 
"What can you do? Please each and every one of those investors to come back? Huh, I doubt that. Can you stop this nonsense, Jennie?"

"Jennie, just divorce that trash. What's so good with her anyway? Marry Mr. Yoongi and everything will be fine." Lady Kim.

"Yeah, and besides, there are no physical nor emotional attachments going on between the two of you, so what's with the restraint?" Hae-sook added.

Jennie as usual didn't mind their remarks and directly talked to Suga and Namgoong.

"If I'll divorce Lisa and I married you, that'll be the second time that I'll be married. That will ruin you for sure. Second, I will sort this out, I will decline your help. Lastly, I don't like you, Mr. Yoongi. I don't even know you that much." She said straightforwardly. 

But Suga persisted, "We actually talked about it already, it's just fine. We don't mind it at all, right Dad?" Then he looked at his father knowingly.

Namgoong halfheartedly nodded and said, "It's fine, Miss Kim because every each and every one in this city knows that your marriage is just mere written in a letter. No love or whatever."

Lady Kim nodded with joy and said, "Yes yes, that's right. And as per what you said that you don't like Mr. Yoongi, you can just sort it all out, Jennie. He's a handsome man and he's kind, compared to that wife of yours. And besides, I'm sure you don't like that orphan, right? So there's nothing to worry about." 

Jennie shook her head this time and thought, 

'These people are hopeless.'

"Grandma, I will find a way to help our company, okay? So there's no need for anything, I will find a way out." She said dismissively. And turned around to leave.

Lady Kim held her chest and furiously yelled, "You unfilial child! Come back here! Hey!"

Jongin, Hae-sook and Lady Kim kept on calling Jennie but she didn't look back. She didn't want to prolong the conversation anymore.


When Lisa left the subdivision, she looked at the sky with tears in her eyes and said in heart,

'God, what did I do to deserve this? I love my wife but she acts as if I'm not existing.'


The horn of a Cayenne startled Lisa's whole being. 

'See? I'm on the sidewalk but look at this.' She sighed.

She continued walking but the Cayenne caught up with her and the driver rolled down her window and beeped again.

Lisa hissed and looked at the car and it really shocked her to see Irene.

She bowed and said her greetings and went back to walking. 

But Irene was too stubborn and still followed her slowly. 

"Hop in, I'll take you anywhere you go." Irene said. 

Lisa waved her hand and hurriedly said,

"No no no, I'm just strolling, Miss Irene. It's just fine, thank you so much!" 

Still, Irene was too persistent.

"Hurry up, get in." Irene said coldly. Then she remembered something, "It's Joohyun for you, by the way."


Meanwhile, as Jennie stepped outside, she immediately went to their home to see if Lisa is there but to her dismay, she was nowhere.

She tried calling Lisa but her phone but it seems like her phone is turned off.

She just hopelessly slumped on her bed and looked at Lisa's photo on her phone with tears starting to well up in her eyes and said,

"Come back, hubby. Don't leave your wife." 


Hey hey! So long hehe. Hope everybody's fine, mental health's stable, physically healthy and emotionally okay. Spiritually? Just pray. 

Thank you for waiting, I'll try to update every other day. 

Tbh, I'm waiting for my Mom for she has my laptop and she's almost miles away from me so it's quite inconvenient for me to write for my pc's downstairs so everyone can see what I am doing. It's a no no. Me shy.

I hope this is qualified enough to be a compensation. 

Smile, e'ryone. 

Ps, no proofread again.


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