Orion Black

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~May 21st 1980~

A woman could be heard screaming in pain in a room at Saint Mungo's Hospital. This woman was Chloe Miller a half-blood witch who was giving birth to her child. The child was the product of a drunk one night stand with a friend/crush that she went to school with, Sirius Black. Chloe and Sirius were both Aurors for the Ministry of Magic, they were also apart of the Order of the Phoenix. One night Sirius and Chloe decided to get a drink together and they both got drunk and ended up having sex that night. Then a few weeks later Chloe found out she was pregnant after using a spell, she told Sirius who was concerned that he was about to be a father.

After 3 months Sirius decided to marry Chloe since she was to be the mother of his child and they were living happily. They found out at their wedding that Lily and James Potter were expecting as well and she was almost one month along now.

Back to the present Chloe was crushing Sirius's hand as he held hers.

"SIRIUS BLACK I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" She screamed out as she was in pain from giving birth.

"Come on Chloe Bear you can do it. Just a little more." He said encouraging her.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP BLACK! AHHH!" After one final push a baby cry could be heard in the room as the doctor held up the baby.

The doctor cut the cord and cleaned the baby before bringing it over to Chloe and handing it to her. "Congratulations it's a healthy baby boy." the doctor said as Chloe held her new baby.

"He's beautiful. What should we name him?" Chloe said.

"Orion. Orion Percival Black." Sirius said gazing down at his son.

~2 months later~

Chloe was crying as Sirius had been sent to Azkaban, he was accused of betraying the Potters, the murder of twelve Muggles, and the murder of Peter Pettigrew. He wasn't even given a trial, they just sent him off to Azkaban under the suspicion that he was a Death Eater and a spy for Voldemort. Now Orion had to grow up father-less and accused of being the son of a murderer, madman, and accused Death Eater.

~Orion (5 years old)~

Because of the war and their profession after the wedding Sirius had decided to move Chloe and unborn Orion out to the country, where the Black Families Original Mansion stood. The mansion had so many wards and protections around it that it was almost impossible to find and even more so to attack. But the only problem was that the mansion hadn't been lived in for centuries, it took 4 whole months for Sirius and Chloe to clean, refurbish, and revitalize the mansion. 

Orion was 5 years old now and was a spitting image of his father at that age. He had ear length black hair with stormy grey eyes full of curiosity, a thirst for knowledge, and power. Orion was outside playing with his toy broom flying 2 feet off the ground when he heard the sound of an animal in pain. He looked around and saw that there was a raven on the ground trying to fly away but his lift wing was broken. 

"Momma!" Orion shouted as he ran over to the injured raven, a minute later his mother ran over to his side worry on her face.

"What is it baby?" She asked kneeling down looking at Orion for injuries.

Orion pointed over to the injured raven, "It's hurt momma."

His mother looked over to the raven and kneeled on the ground next to it seeing that its wing was broken. "Ok baby lets bring it inside and I'll fix the wing." She said and Orion bent down and carefully picked up the raven before walking back to the house.

When they got back to the house Orion took the raven to the kitchen as his mother came in with a bandage. She reset the bone and wrapped the wing with the bandage. 

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