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~No POV~

"I need you to help me find Clay." Y/N was very calm about the statement, acting as though it wasn't a near death sentence to go anywhere near Dream.

"Are you sure about that? He's been... unstable recently. I don't want you to get hurt." Techno usually wouldn't care less about another person, throwing them out to the wolves if need be. Although for some reason he felt the need to protect Y/N, keep her close and safe.

"He wouldn't hurt me. I don't think he would at least. He might be a total dick but he's still my brother."

Techno didn't like the idea, not one bit. It was far safer to send Dream a message or leave a chest outside the community house for him. Actually going to find him was a whole different story.

"Only if you let me go with you."

Y/N laughed and gave him a smile. "Well duh, you thought I was just gonna leave you behind? Of course not, silly! So, when can we leave?"

Techno rolled his eyes at her remark, a faint smile spreading over his face. "Whenever you want, princess."

The nickname was simply meant to be a joke, but both of them took it as more than that. The voices began getting louder, and a bright pink blush spread over Y/N's cheeks. For a few seconds the two people had met each others gaze, but Techno quickly looked away and over at Tommy, who was now sound asleep.

The blond boy was looking healthier by the second, which was easing Techno's stress as he watched the colour return to Tommy's face.

"Thank you again for helping him. Everybody was starting to get really worried."

Y/N nodded her head, feeling a bit bad for Techno. She could tell how stressed out he'd been with Tommy, and there was definitely some other stuff going on that he hadn't told her about. Not that she blamed him, they'd only known each other a few days. He had no reason to trust her with any of his personal life, and the same applied in reverse.

"So you need help finding Dream then?"

Y/N nodded in response to the pink haired mans words, knowing that she wanted to get moving as soon as possible. She knew Dream could get a bit reckless when he was annoyed, and that usually didn't end well for anyone.

"Yeah, and hopefully sooner rather than later. Seriously, before dark would be ideal."

Techno thought about it for a moment before heading over the the enderchest, still sat outside the van. "Do you have armour? Just as a backup incase something goes wrong."

Y/N pulled her iron armour out of the enderchest, showing it to Techno. "This is the best I have, but I'm sure it'll be fine."

She seemed fairly certain that nothing would go wrong, but Techno couldn't shake the feeling of danger that followed the idea of seeing Dream. "Not good enough. I have a spare set of netherite that you can have. It'll be big on you, but it's safer than iron."

He handed the girl the midnight coloured armour. It was far heavier than the iron set she'd been holding before, and she grumbled a bit at the weight. Due to the same factor, it was rather difficult to get the metal onto her body. Techno noticed her struggle, easily lifting the netherite armour and helping the smaller girl get it fixed around her body. As he did so his hand gently brushed her waist and the small sliver of skin that had been exposed there.

"Uh- Sorry." Techno sounded rushed as he spoke, pulling his hand away within seconds of the action.

It wouldn't have been such a big deal if Y/N hadn't turned bright red and Techno's voices hadn't started yelling. Something as simple as a touch had both of the two flustered and a bit confused.

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