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Y/N wasn't sure how long she'd been unconscious for. Every time she would be strong enough to open her eyes, it was just dust and smoke. Her entire body was sore, and judging by the cliff like walls surrounding her, she'd fallen into one of the craters made by the TNT. The world was quiet; the fighting had stopped, people were just recouping now.

Y/N weakly tried to call out for someone, but the only sounds that left her lips were harsh coughs.
She tried to move, but pain courses through her bones. The intensity of it was enough to knock her back into unconsciousness.

~Wilbur POV~

(No he's not dead, you're welcome. Consider it an exchange for Puffy)

Wilbur had been the first one to notice Y/N's absence after the fighting. Most of L'manburg was sure that she had run off to hide with Techno, but Wilbur knew better.

He'd been determined to look through every single TNT crater, searching for Y/N or a sign of where she'd gone.

Part of him hoped he didn't find her; if he didn't find anything, he could assume she was safe. Then again, he hoped he did find her, just to confirm her safety.

This was the last crater he had to check, and based on the emptiness of all the others before it, Wilbur was almost positive that he wouldn't find anything different here.

Wilbur climbed down into the crater, coughing from the dust that hadn't yet settled. He heard a cough which matched his own and rushed forward to find the source. He was horrified by what he ended up seeing.

Y/N had too-dark blood seeping out of a wound on her side, her face ashy and flushed. Her eyes were barely open, fluttering shut right as he approached her.

"Y/N! Hey, stay awake for me okay? You're gonna be fine, I promise!"

He scooped the girl up into his arms, struggling to climb up the walls of the crater without dropping her. Once he was successful, sprinting to get Y/N over to Niki.

~Niki POV~

"Niki! I found Y/N, she's hurt!"

Niki turned to look at Wilbur, stress evident on her face.

"Will, I need your help here. Nobody got hit by the withers, thank gods, but-"

"Niki, Y/N got hit. She looks bad, seriously. I can help with Tubbo and Eret, but I need you to help Y/N."

Niki nodded quickly, taking Y/N from Wilbur's arms and situating the girl on a vacant bed.

The wither effect was deadly, everybody knew that. Very few people had ever survived it, and those who did never lived full lives. The only thing to do was make the victim as comfortable as possible and wait until they either die or their body fights off the infection.

So that was exactly what Niki did, positioning Y/N comfortably and simply waiting. The healing potion didn't seem to have any effect either, and Niki stepped back with a sigh.

When she turned to walk away, she was surprised to see Eret standing behind her.

"Eret! You're not supposed to be out of bed, what if your leg starts bleeding again-"

"She's not gonna live is she."

Niki was surprised by the question, but simply sighed and shook her head.

"I doubt it. The wither effect spread too quickly, I don't think there's anything I can do to slow it. But you should be resting, not-"

Eret cut her off again, shaking his head. "I'm fine, but somebody needs to get Techno. You know him and Y/N are really close."

Niki sighed, nodding. "I'll go. Be careful on your leg though, and make sure Y/N doesn't get any worse before I get back." 

Eret nodded, giving Niki a reassuring smile before sitting down in a chair next to Y/N's bed. Niki quickly walked out the door, mounting one of the horses in the stable before heading off towards Techno's. The girl didn't know that she'd just happened to pick Y/N's horse. 

Toast seemed to know exactly where he was going, and Niki allowed the horse to move of it's own accord. The snow chilled her to the bone, and she only got more worried as a light flurry turned into a near blizzard. She didn't know what to do; keep going towards Techno, or find shelter and wait out the storm? Y/N might not make it another day, waiting was risky. 

Niki wrapped her sweater tighter around her shoulders and steeled herself against the cold, allowing Toast to continue onward. 

It felt like hours before Niki could finally see the outline of a structure through the dense snow in front of her. She spurred Toast to go faster, a command which the horse eagerly followed. 

"Techno! Techno come out here, it's important!" 

Niki screamed as loud as her voice would allow, hoping that Techno would hear her through the walls of the house. Niki almost cried from relief when Techno opened the front door, looking at Niki with confusion. 

"Niki? What's going on, you shouldn't be outside in a storm like this." 

Niki shook her head, not giving Techno time to ask more questions before she cut him off with a question of her own. 

"How fast can you get a horse ready? We need to go. Now." 

"Why? How do I know you aren't trying to kill me?" 

"God dammit Techno, we don't have time for this! Y/N got hurt, badly. Now get your ass ready and let's fucking move." 


Next chapter is the last one, so thank you guys so much for reading! Please check out my other stories as well! 

I'm pretty sure most of you can guess what's going to happen in the next chapter, so I hope you aren't too mad at me. 

Don't forget to drink water and take care of yourselves! <3

977 Words

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