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It had been a few days since Y/N had been freed from Dream, but strangely she hadn't seen Techno in the time. She decided it would be best to take initiative, going out and searching for him on her own. 

As she approached his cabin, she felt her entire spirit lift when she saw him trudging through the dense snow. 


He jerked at the sound of her voice, the stress releasing from his shoulders instantly upon seeing her. Before she could think, the pink haired man had his arms wrapped firmly around the girl, holding her against his chest. 

"Thank god you're here, you have no idea I've missed you. Are you okay, Dream didn't hurt you right?" 

Y/N shook her head, relieving the worries of the older man. "He didn't hurt me Techno, I'm okay. Better than okay, actually. You look upset about something though?" 

Techno immediately tensed up again, rigidity returning to his formerly relaxed muscles. Y/N frowned and hugged him, trying to get him to relax again. 

"It's okay, we can talk about it later. For now let's go inside, I'm getting cold."

At the mention of cold, Techno didn't hesitate to tug off his large red cloak and drape it over Y/N's shoulders. She grinned up at him, snuggling into the thick material. It smelled like him, and the two of them began walking towards the door of the cabin. Once inside, Techno wrapped his arms firmly around Y/N, picking her up off the ground. The sound of her laughter filled the small room, causing a faint smile to form on Techno's face. 

He placed himself on the couch, leaving plenty of room so that he could hold Y/N against his chest. She wiggled around a bit before finally relaxing, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. It was obvious that they'd missed each other, even more so than either would admit. 

"So, what's wrong?" 

She was hesitant while asking, not wanting to push him too quickly. She could tell he had a lot on his mind; it was evident by the way his muscles tensed. 

"You'll be mad at me." 

It was a vague and evasive response, but one that only made Y/N more concerned. She pulled away from his embrace, seating herself next to him so that she could look him in the eye. 

"I won't be mad, there's nothing you could do that would ever make me mad at you. Please tell me?" 

Techno frowned and slowly nodded, sitting up a bit more. 

"I... I made a deal with Dream." 

Y/N didn't process the words right away, taking a few seconds to let it register. Once it did, her eyes widened with shock and concern. 

"What was the deal? Did he threaten you? Are you hurt at all?" 

Techno was honestly surprised that Y/N wasn't yelling at him, his eyes turning sympathetic at the concern in her voice. 

"No, Y/N, he didn't do anything to me. I didn't have a choice though, I had to make him let you go." 

"So that... that's why he just vanished so suddenly? It was you?" 

Techno nodded, holding his arms out so that he could hold the girl. She didn't hesitate, crawling forward into his lap. His touch was warm and familiar, and she relaxed against him. 

"What did he want in return?" 

Techno hesitated again, unsure about responding. Y/N tried to pull away from his chest, but he held her against him. His eyes met hers, a pleading look buried behind the deep red colour. She stayed pressed against him, repeating the question. He sighed, finally responding. 

"He wants me to help him destroy L'manburg. I agreed..." 

"You... Why would you do that? Techno that's our home, all of our friends live there! You can't just destroy it, I'm not worth that much!"

"To me you are!" 

That was the moment the truth came out. He'd finally admitted how much she truly mattered to him. The great Technoblade, known for miles due to his chaotic nature and emotionless tendencies. The blood god had gone soft for some random girl. 


His eyes were a tempest of pain, fear, and something else. Something that could almost be seen as love. 

"I'd give up everything for you, Y/N. I've never felt like this for anybody else, but you... You're different. I would destroy my home a thousand times over if it meant I got to keep you by my side." 

Y/N felt tears stinging the backs of her eyes as she watched the older mans face. She wasn't sure what to say, and her silence was mistaken as rejection. 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said any of that. I didn't mean to scare you, I just-" 

His words were sharply cut off by a pair of soft lips against his own. His eyes went wide with shock before slowly closing, his hands finding their way to Y/N's waist. The kiss was gentle, comforting with the subtle promise of more to come. 

Y/N pulled away, though she kept her face close to Techno's. Their breath mixed as they both smiled, looking at each other happily. 

"You didn't scare me. You could never scare me." 

The grin that spread over Techno's face was sudden and out of place, causing a loud laugh to pour out of Y/N. Her laughter warmed the room, simply making Techno smile wider. 

"Will you stay here tonight?" He asked the question softly once their laughter had died down. 

Y/N smiled warmly at him, her eyes glittering. "Of course." 


Okay I lied, not a 2000 word chapter. Maybe if y'all are lucky I'll post a longer one soon. I'm on vacation currently and my stupid keyboard is broken so writing has been pretty difficult. 

Thank you guys so much for 4k reads! You're all absolutely insane, and I love reading your comments. 

Don't forget to take care of yourselves, and drink water!


994 Words

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