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"Please leave me, what i have ever done to you? Why are you doing this?"

A girl was crying infornt of a man in his late twenties, pleading to leave her, but that didn't affect him as he sat on couch ever so calmly observing her every move and hearing her every word.

She looked at him being angry as he sat there like rock.

"Atleast tell me what i have done, please atleast tell me my mistake?"

Girl cryingly sat on floor not having enough energy to cry. As she didn't even know her crime of her being there. Sighing He stood up and went towards her and forwarded his hand to her.

Girl looked at him with only anger. He signed her with his eyes towards his hand which he was offering but she didn't make a move. As she got up without taking his hand making him smirk. Self respect huh!

"I gave you two options, but you didn't choose either of them. Now it's not my mistake if you don't want to take any of them."

He said totally composed, His calm and cold voice devoid of any emotion made her cry even more, why can't he just leave her.

"P..please i d..don't wanna marry you, I..Iam already e..engaged please leave me"

The girl pleaded showing him her engagement ring. As he held her hand softly and had a proper look on her ring. It seemed the ring was made of pure diamond.

" If this thing is stopping you, then don't worry."

Holding her hand tightly, he slipped the ring down of her finger making her shock as the ring went flying in air somewhere which she couldn't pinpoint.

"Hmm, Now."

"What are you doing, Are you mad"

She shouted as he glared at her with his cold eyes showing exactly nothing.

"Last time, this is the last time I am warning you girl. don't you dare raise your voice on me. Got it? "

He said in his dangerously calm as she again shuddered trying to snatch her hand from his hold which he tightened.

"Now, will you tell me? What do you want now? Either marry me, or watch your father getting destroyed infornt of your own eyes"

He said leaving her wrist as she rubbed her wrist gently trying to sooth it from the impact of his hold.

"I..I am sorry I..if I have ever offended you, p..please don't do this to, I swear I..I will never reveal y..your name to anyone just l..leave me, let me go b..back to my home. I am m..missing my Mumma papa p..please"

This time girl cried trying to persue him but he seemed calm as always, his posture didn't change with pity. Instead An irritated sigh escaped his lips.

"So you don't want to marry?"

He asked calmly, His calm didn't make girl happy but she wanted to believe that he was not that bad. Girl shook her head immediately looking desparate as ever. Man chuckled and said,

"Be ready to witness your family's down fall Now"

Man took out his mobile and called someone,

"Yes Rehmaan, Cancel the deal with Mithals"

Girl eyes bulged out of her sockets as she shook her head holding his hand on which he looked at her. Raising his brow he again said to caller,

"Wait Rehmaan"

"I will whatever you want, Please don't c..cancel that deal"

She said unwillingly as he nodded smirking and talked to caller.

"Rehmaan let it be for now"

Saying he cut the call..

"Now tell me, It wasn't difficult to say yes, was it?"

He smirked saying as she sniffed but kept quiet not wanting to answer the human devil infornt of her.



This is prologue of my upcoming story, I have tried to write something different from my other stories.

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