Toothless had dodged left and right as he turned around and followed each and every dragon that are carrying something along the way. Hiccup squinted his eyes as he watched each and every dragon haul what he believed to be food. Astrid had been very hesitant at this point when it came what was going on. She had pushed herself against Hiccup. She blushed a little at the close contact; lucky for her Hiccup was a little more busy with looking forward and watching Toothless at the same time. She hugged her head on Hiccups back to enjoy the feel of his body.
Hiccup watched as Toothless maneuvered into a little cave that was in a very high mountain. He looked up and saw all of the dragons moving to the middle of a pit and drop off whatever they were carrying in their legs. Now things were not looking good as Hiccup saw a lot of food being dumped down a whole. He looked back up at the dragons and saw a Gronkle open its mouth and regurgitate a small fish down the whole. He raised an eyebrow at this. Gronkles have strange antics; his eyes went wide when he saw an incredibly large head ate the same Gronkle. The dragon was huge! Quickly Hiccup tapped Toothless a couple of times to signal him that they have to leave. Luckily Toothless already knew what he was telling him and immediately took off into the skies.
They had barely escaped with their lives on this one. Hiccup, Toothless, and Astrid had finally arrived at their home island. While descending into the little valley Hiccup kept thinking of what to do with what they had just discovered. He could tell the Village, but doing that would reveal what he has been doing with Toothless. Which will cause him to lose not only respect from the village, but will cause him to lose Toothless. Since Stoic is one to kill first and ask questions never, he will take away the only being in this world he calls family.
Once they landed he heard Astrid quickly jump off of Toothless while saying something that got him worried.
"Come on lets tell your dad," she said as she started running.
Eyes wide Hiccup unstrapped himself and quickly tackled her to the ground to stop her from going. He turned her around as she struggled to get up. He waited for her to stop thrashing around as she finally grew tired and looked up to see Hiccup shaking his head. She narrowed her eyes as she looked at Hiccup knowing what he was trying to say.
"Wait a minute are you telling me you don't want to tell stoic where the dragon is. Where the nest is. The one thing we have been after since Vikings first sailed here." she said as she pushed him off of her in a fit of Rage. When she stood up she looked Hiccup, who had his face down, with rage in her eyes.
"You're really going to keep this a secret Hiccup! This that we have discovered that can get you the respect I know for sure you have been trying to achieve! Just to protect the your pet DRAGON!" she screamed as she angrily pointed at him.
What Hiccup did had surprised her immediately. Hiccup while Hiccup was looking down his hair had covered his eyes. He looked up with a fire burning in his eyes as he clenched his fists together and said, " I would protect him with my life, Astrid." He said as he gazed into her eyes, challenging her to try to argue with him.
Astrid was surprised as she realized that this whole time Hiccup had finally been talking to her. For the past few weeks he had never even conversed with anybody at the academy. Not even to Gobber, who is his mentor for everything he knows about blacksmithing. Again she was surprised at the fire in his eyes when he made his declaration to her about risking his own life to keep Toothless from getting killed. Now she could not understand his reasoning for this, but she did understand that right now Hiccup would not let anyone endanger the dragon.