2 - Casey

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   I left the track, devastated that we didn't lock our lips together with all the tension that's been built up. I definitely like Izzie and I can't even explain how I really feel, but I couldn't do that to Evan. I can't be like Elsa either, that would be a nightmare.

   I finally exit the track area and start to jog to my dad's car.

As I drive I begin to crave cookies for some reason. I'm so getting cookies when I'm home.

Eventually, I arrive home.

"Casey! How was the late night practice?"

"Holy sh... Elsa what the hell? Where'd you come from?" Before I even get to the front door she does some sketchy sneak attack on me.

"I'm doing laundry."

"Outside? It's cold out here," I reply.

"I was coming to get them, they were drying." Who dries laundry outside on a 45 degree night?

"You're so weird."

I fling the door open, throw off my shoes and head to my room.

"Hey Case."

"Hey Dad," I greet back. "What is that?" I chuckle and slow down as I take my last step up the stairs.

"I'm building a small desk for your lamp. The one you have is breaking," he explains.

"Cool cool."

I pass by and head to my room. Throwing my body on this bed after running a couple miles at 9:45 is probably the most comfy thing I've ever felt.

Shit! I forgot to get cookies.

"Hey Dad! Do we have any cookies?"

He laughs. "Uh, maybe? Go check yourself."

I groan. I'm too tired now. I'll just let my eyes rest a little...

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