7 - Izzie

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   "Iz, come by me," Casey begs. "Please?" I roll my eyes. She definitely has a thing for me and I know it. "Okay weirdo."

   I jog over to her and land a little too close. It's okay though, I don't think she minds. "Scooch over a bit." Never mind; too confident.

"I'm gonna pick teams, or duos, and you're each going to run a lap and time each other. Once you're done, come get me and I'll look over your times."

   Everyone separated and Casey and I got put into a duo.

   "I'm gonna annoy you while you run," I teased. "I'm looking forward to it," she replies.

   "Three, two..."

   "One? or what-"

   "One! Go go go!"


   Casey starts running faster than she heard the word one. Which was actually pretty slow so that's a bad example.

   "Run Newton! Keep running! You don't wanna be slower than me do y-"

   "Shut up!"

   I laugh hard.

   "Hurry! You're running so slow you'll lose your feelings for Evan!" Oh shit. "W- huh?" What- why... why did I say that? Things were going just fine.

   "Iz- Izzie. Give me a second," Casey says, gasping for air.

   "I'm sorry. I don't even know what that meant."

   "What does that even mean?"

"I don't know... it just flew out of my mouth," I explain.

   "Okay. You run now," Casey insists.

   "Aren't you like.. mad.. that I said that?" I question, confused.

   "Not really. It was an accident right?" She looks away while setting the timer for me to run.

   "Yeah," I lie.


   I stand there in silence still thinking about what I said. That's embarrassing.

   "Go! go go!"

   I run as soon as I hear her say go. I need to beat her otherwise she'll laugh at me and call me a nerd.

"Izzie! There's a bee!"

"Shit! where?" I turn around and spin only to find no bee.

Casey bursts out laughing.

"You're annoying, Newton."

"And I beat your time, nerd." I knew she would call me that.

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