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   Casey and Izzie both sit at their seats.

   Casey groans as she sits. "I'm tired. I don't know why I ran so much last night."

"Trying to burn off that stress?" Izzie asks.

Casey knows what Izzie's doing. She wants Casey to break and reveal her feelings for her. She doesn't 100% know about Casey's feelings, but she's throwing a ball and hoping what she thinks is true.

"Hah, I guess so."

They both awkwardly sit side by side, waiting for class to start.

"Students, welcome back for another day of chemistry. Hopefully there won't be too much chemistry going on in this class because we need to keep this room PG... eh. Anyone? Alright then."

Casey shifts her position and tries not to look at Izzie with all the awkward tension that's been accidentally built up.

"So for today's class we have..."

Class is being taught and the duo both get more and more subconsciously attached to each other. Their feet occasionally brush over each other and their hands occasionally touch.

"Izzie, would you mind dropping this off at the front office?"

"Y- yeah sure-"


The room turns into an incredibly awkward silence.

Casey looks up at the class with a bright red face. She didn't mean to call out. She didn't want Izzie to leave.

"Casey did... did you want to drop it off instead?" Her teacher asks.

"No... I just..." She couldn't think of what to say.

"Casey didn't want the wrong forms to be sent down. I'll let her check them," Izzie lies, trying to cover everything up.

"Um.. alright."

The teacher hands the forms over to Izzie and Izzie hands them over to Casey. With everyone still looking, Casey pretends to look over the forms.

"Uh, they're all good," Casey says.

"Good. Now Izzie make sure to drop them off, class is almost over."

Izzie stands there for a second. "Can Casey come with me?"

"I guess."

Casey slowly stands up, trying not to disturb the class anymore.

They both shut the heavy door behind them.

"Newton! What was that?"

"I- I don't know! I panicked."

"About what! Me dropping off forms?" Izzie questions, confused.

"I guess!" Casey explains, scratching her head.

"Dude, I was only gonna leave for a second. It's okay."

"I just... I would've been lonely without you," Casey says, trying to maneuver around the situation, avoiding the topic of each other's feelings.

Izzie chuckles. "I know."

Casey smirks.

They drop off the form together, still smiling.

"Class is sort of interesting today, don't you think?"

"Oh now you're mocking me, that's very nice of you."

Izzie laughs hard. "No no. I mean the lesson. It's normally super boring. But today it's... well it's still boring." She laughs even more.

Casey observes Izzie's energy. "I think what happened back in class energized you or something," Casey explains.

"Oh, I am laughing a bit too hard aren't I?" Izzie cracks up again.

"I'd say so."

Class ends and the rest of school wraps up.

"Gardner, hurry up to practice or you're running extra laps today. You probably should to make up for yesterday but I'll let it slide."

Casey rolls her eyes and heads to the track to get started with her running. She always loves to push herself to and past her limits. She never misses a practice or a meet. She always tries her hardest.

"Hey Iz."

"Hey Newton. Make sure not to run slow. If you do I'll beat you. You wouldn't want that right?"

They start running. The strong wind blows right through Casey's hair. Izzie starts to stare without noticing.

"Shit," Izzie mumbles, realizing she's slowing down due to her attraction towards Casey and her hair.

"Are you sure you're going to beat me, Iz?"

"Yeah." Izzie starts throwing her attention solely on the race. She starts speeding up with the destination only feet away.

"Shit! Where did that speed come from?" Casey asks, with a shocked face, heavily breathing.

"I'm not sure myself. I just- just ran. And the wind... the wind was good- I- I mean the wind helped me win," Izzie stutters.

Casey laughs and stands normally on her feet.

She inches closer towards Izzie. "You looked good out there Izzie." She takes a breath in. "You as well, Casey."

Casey starts walking in the other direction as Coach Crowley says to.

Izzie stands there flustered and loved.

"Izzie. Izzie!"

"Wh- sorry!" she starts running towards the rest of the team as Crowley yells.

"Pay attention."

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