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Before Casey knows it, it's 7:01 a.m.

   She starts to come back to reality as she starts to open her eyes and stretch. She groans and looks at the clock next to her.

"Shit, it's past 7!"

She flies out of her bed. "Ah fuck. Dumb floor."

She quickly gets up and searches for an outfit; she's still in her red shirt with blue shorts from last night.

She yanks a yellow tie dye shirt with some black shorts. As she's picking out socks, she hears a knock at her bedroom door.

"Uh, come in."

"Izzie," Casey mumbles.

"Newton.. ca- can we talk? I mean for a second time..."

She bites the side of her cheek keeping her from cringing. There's something about the way Izzie said second time that she didn't like.

"Y- yeah I guess- I mean sure," Casey stuttered. "Just let me change then we can talk downstairs."

"Alright," Izzie agrees.

They stare at each other for a few seconds.

"So that means... you know. Stepping outside?"

"Oh, shit. Yeah.. yeah. Sorry," Izzie nervously stutters, panicking.

Casey awkwardly chuckles. She then lets out a small breath of relief when Izzie leaves the room. It's not that she didn't want Izzie to be there, because she did. She really did. She just isn't ready to talk about the feelings they have for each other.

Casey quickly takes her shirt off and switches it with the yellow tie dye. She then does the same with her shorts, grabs any pair of socks she can, and puts them on.

She inhales and prepares herself to have the conversation she's been avoiding for a long time.

She opens the door and is immediately met with Izzie's bright eyes.

"Follow me," Casey states. Izzie nods.

   The duo both plop down on the couch in the living room. They keep a slight distance from each other as it's a little awkward because of last night. Izzie turns her body and attention towards Casey.

   "Okay. Last night was.. kind of weird. I don't want to not be friends. It's... really difficult for me to deal with this. I just- I don't wanna lose you. You're such a cool person and... I'm not just gonna let these feelings I have get between us."

   Casey slightly turns her head in reaction to what Izzie just said. The words let these feelings I have made Casey feel a little wonky. She knows she has feelings for Izzie as well. She just won't admit it.

"I get it. I know.. how you feel." Casey is struggling to find words. She wants to admit she likes Izzie but she can't bring herself to it. She knows if she does it'll cause major trouble.

"And of course we're still friends." Casey tried to keep herself from sounding like a douche as much as she could but she's not sure it worked.

"So... we're just gonna act like everything's normal... from now on?" Izzie wants more than anything right now to love Casey. She's never felt this way with anyone before. She's had boyfriends like Nate and Kyle. Which with Kyle the relationship lasted about a week because he liked another girl while dating Izzie. Therefore, Izzie didn't have much experience before falling for Casey, so it's extremely new and confusing.

"I guess so," Casey replies with a sympathetic smile, which turns into a frown.

"Can I drive you to school? I just got my license," Izzy asks. She's never driven in busy streets or major traffic so she's really hoping she doesn't crash the car with the love of her life in it.

"Yeah sure," Casey says while chuckling. "Just... give me a second."

Casey hops up and runs over to the cookie jar in her kitchen. A smile starts growing on her face as she notices Izzie laughing at her strange love for cookies.

"What? I love cookies. They're just the best food. The warm dough mixed with melted chocolate chips. Delicious."

Izzie laughs even more in response.

"You're something else, Newton."

Eventually Casey finishes her cookie, goes to the bathroom, and gets in the car.

They drive quite slowly as there seems to be a lot of cars in front of them. Izzie's nerves start to rise as what she hoped wouldn't happen is happening; traffic.

"Are you alright Iz? You seem a little off."

"Uh ye- yeah I'm fine. I just don't like traffic that much. I'm always afraid I'll crash the car so I avoid it," Izzie explains.

   Casey nods. "Okay."

   They continue driving and soon enough Izzie successfully runs right through the traffic.

   "See, it wasn't that bad. We might be a little late for school though," Casey jokes and Izzie laughs.

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