12. Power is (singing loud enough to be) Tearing Him Apart

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In a world of quirks, approximately eighty percent of the population possessed a quirk—a unique power that made them . . . them. They appeared randomly, starting with a baby who seemed to be made of light. From there, more quirks started to appear. Flurries of ice on kind fingers, the darkest of shadows that danced on the skin, words that seemed to be fabricated from the very stars that twinkled in the night sky, and many, many more quirks that are even more difficult to express. No one knew where they came from.

The change was abrupt as well. It was as if a switch has been flipped. A wave of power was granted to people. Through birth, they now possessed a power that was only heard in comic books. Each person had a different and unique power which are now referred to as quirks.

And then came the fighting.

Blood, sweat, and tears towards the rights of those who were quirked. Colliding beliefs and bloody hands from pushing back on the chains that wanted to confine. Nails were bitten raw from nerves, bruises, and broken bones from protesting. What was once beautiful can no longer stop and be looked at in awe. They now had to face the pure ugliness that was human nature.

And within that ugliness, quirks still grew.

Mutated, grew, continued to spread as more people joined the quirked. Civil unrest reached a boiling point, spilled, and then started to recede. The quirkless were the minority, a rarity in this world so hard to find. Even rarer to find among the younger generation. Quirks are a special gem, such beautiful powers that can shape the world underneath soft flesh. They continue to grow as well. Combining to create something new and invigorating.

That wasn't what Saiki felt.

Telekinesis, for as long as he can remember, has been a relatively docile quirk (wrong wrong wrong) even when he was using it. The only time in which it did go out of control was when he was using too much (wrong) of it. It felt as if it was flickering in and out, almost like a dancing flame on a candle. His quirk would dip in and out, in a way that was familiar yet unknown.

So when he sent the Nomu across the USJ, that's what his quirk felt. It gripped him, trying to claw its way through his body and tear him into two. As if his quirk was screaming, withering under a pressure he never knew was there.

His quirk (power—) felt as if it was screaming in agony.

Shockingly, it didn't hurt him. His movements were more out of surprise than anything else. The mysterious power squirmed, and it was almost uncomfortable. However, he did feel like a fish out of water. Saiki couldn't say that this power filled him with energy, or that he suddenly had a zing of power that just danced on his fingertips because that would have been a lie, and he really wasn't in the position or mindset to lie like that as of now.

In fact, if you asked him, he wouldn't be able to describe it at all.

Because as fast as it came, it left.

How did it feel? Strange. Like a television with antennas on top like metal antlers. They were stretched as wide as they could go, as far as it can go. However, no matter the position, nothing changed on the television screen itself. Not even a ripple in the static. And then all of the sudden, out of the blue, the channel started to change. It wasn't more comprehensible than the static before, but it changed. After some length of time being stuck on static, it changed again to a random channel in the middle of a show. The content made little to no sense since the channel was nothing but static for a while, but it was different being online again. There was no . . . no concrete way to describe it. It was good and bad. Defining yet confusing.

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