Chapter 3

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Every single grown up who tells me "Don't ever wish your childhood away it's so precious" Hahahaha yeah that's a load of balls! Why the hell would being bullied be precious, how would the worst 12 years of your life be precious? Come on yeah there's your first words and stuff that's pretty special but defiantly not the 7 upwards years. So yeah I had my first day of school today and it went just how I thought it would... crap! Jack was at me as soon as I stepped foot in the school yard. It's actually stupid how many people think I don't already know I have ginger hair or braces. Pathetic, I mean if I walked up to him and talk him he had school uniform on every time I saw him I would be the idiot right..? So whys this any different someone please explain because I don't have a clue! It felt nice to see Ella and Heather again! Oh my god I've missed them so much and Joe oh my god his smile is to die for! It was nice to see Dan and Phil too. They are officially dating..! Heather gave me all the details in 6 period but she gave me all the back story but she missed out the frigging names! The bell went and she started to walk home I chased after her to ask her who was dating who but her mothers car pulled up and she climbed in without saying a word she wound down the window gave me a smirk and the she drove off. Ella claims me and Joe have a "thing" I WISH! I'm not even being sarcastic I really like him, like really really like him! I know Heather likes Phil and Ella likes Dan but Dan and Phil are dating now according to Hevs (that's what I called Heather) so I know I can't tell Joe how I feel. it wouldn't be fair.As the saying goes sister before misters! I love HEVS and Ella anyways so I can't get much better than that I guess.

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