Chapter 18

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"Ewan and Joe Weller" the words came out of Heathers mouth faster than the tears that ran from her eyes. This has gone too far. I cuddled Hevs till she was feeling a bit better. I called all the guys round, Suggy, Dan, phill and Marcus too. Marcus is kiras boyfriend. I told them all about it. I began to cry knowing that I'm putting all my best friends in danger. I was comforted by Kenickies cuddle, followed by Ella's. I wanted everyone to be safe, but they wasn't and it's my fault. I had no idea how to make them safe again either. I wanted nobody else involved though! "I created this an I will put this right" I said to the rest of the emotional guys , with that I stormed down the stairs and out the door. I had tears in my eyes which made it kind of hard to see. I stopped to wipe my eyes. Before I could set off again my hand was greeted my another hand. I looked to my right and by my side stood Kenickie. When I looked behind me, all of the guys were stood hand in hand. Hevs and Dan, Kira and Marcus, Ella and Suggy at the back Holly and Phil, Caspar and his girlfriend Emily were in front of them and me and Kenickie at the front. We marched to the park where Ewan and Joe stood with clenched fists and watched us approach them. I squeezed Kenickies hand, he whispered I'm here then let go of my hand. I walked up to the two boys. Tears in my eyes, I was ready for a slap or something. Nothing came. As my eye sight cleared and I could see the boys clearly. I saw them start to walk around me, each time they passed each other, one of their friends would join in. Before I knew it I was completely isolated from Kenickie. I no longer felt like the strong teenage girl that walked up to confront the two boys, I was a lost little girl among many dangers. I didn't show it... I stood like a fearless lion upon pride rock. My knees were shaking and my palms were all clammy. With the 20 boys still circling me, I sat and curled up into a ball on the floor, I saw Kenickie and the girls, they had tears in there eyes and I caught Ella looking at me, Kenickie put a foot forward as if he was going to step in, with Ella still looking at me, I shook my head. She placed her hand on his shoulder and told him I had a plan. I didn't. I stay curled up in a ball with tears falling down my face. I began to think of all the good things that had happened. My heart beating faster, my stomach being overflowed with butterflies, I began to stand. I wasn't going to get rid of all the good things for these people. I stood with clenched fists and my feet sternly planted on the ground. I ran at them. I ran and pushed the boys who were stood around looking at me the way a dog looks at a slice of stake. I got through them and landed on top of Kenickie. I hugged him and I didn't want to let go. Ella came and picked me up. her face as white as a ghost. Joe Weller was stood holding a picture of me and him. I stared at it, he stared at me. I turned and looked at Kenickie. I ran to grab the picture from Joe, He pushed me to the ground.Kenickie had had enough and wanted all this to stop.
"I've hit you once I'll do it again!" Kenickie called out to Joe.
"Go on... I dare you!" Replied Joe with a huge smile on his face and all his friends walking up behind him. I screamed for Kenickie to stop. At this point I was really crying. Joe walked up to hit Kenickie when I saw the knife sticking out of his pocket. "Kill me instead!" I screamed. Joe walked up to me while I was still sat on the ground from when he pushed me. "Your really that serious about this guy then?" He asked. "I love him Joe... Leave him alone!" I shouted back. "Why would I do something for you..?" He said while reaching for his pocket.

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