• Comfort •

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•I was given inspiration by NerdyUnicorns101 to write this. She's very nice and an amazing Unikitty writer! and you should follow her.♥

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Twinkling Stars*
*A breeze of the coolness of night*

A billion stars shimmered and glowed up above the deep blue night sky. It was been peaceful tonight. But down below, The royal bodyguard Hawkodile was sitting alone on his treehouse, also known as his Dojo. He managed to stay up to able to watch the northern lights going on...for...reasons...

The rest of his friends are now asleep at this time. But Hawkodile ought to stay up to watch the glimmering stars above. It's not just because of the amazing view of the beauty of the night. This made him remember something valuable for him. The night when his parents protected him and left him alone in the woods.

The strong cold breeze of wind blew Hawkodile's brown feathers. His heart was aching and beats faster every time he thinks about it. Devasting scenes started to form from his mind. The time where his old hometown was been under attack by the accompanies of Emperor Orglord. Every Action-Forest citizen counted lives were lost. And his parents protected him from the blazing fire from his little house. His mother tried to save him away from the Doomlords by hiding him in the small hole underneath a dark tree. That when she tried to distract the doom lords by letting her be chased. And he was the only one who survived.

He took off his black shades and used the other arm to rub his eyes. Hazel yellow eyes and a white pupil revealed. He got it from her Mother's genes. He sat in a darker corner of his Treehouse. Hoping no one could saw his eyes. He even didn't let it show to all of his friends.

That's when his nostalgia came inside of him. Hawkodile wanted to go back to the past. He should have been able to protect his parents against the armies of Emperor Orglord. And he could beenbee to prove at he wasn't defenseless.

Tears now started to form in his yellow eyes. He ought to flew above the night sky. Trying to calm himself down. But it didn't help. His parent's and bullies' voices kept ringing inside of his head.

"Don't go near there sweetie. It's dangerous. It could harm you."

"Nahhh. You are still little Hawk my boy. Let Pappa handle it instead."

"Hahahahahahaha! Who's the cry baby? Who's the cry baby? You are! You are! Hahahahahahs!"

"You will never be one of us, Hawk. You're just a little pipsqueak and little le crybaby. Hahahahaha!"

"You are too DEFENSELESS."


Hawkodile flew down to the grassy hills near at castle. He started to fly above the growing flowers down to the hills. The voices grew louder and louder inside of him.

Not until he crashlanded down to the hills. Tears started to flow down to his yellow beak. Not knowing to what do. He took the thick pair of his shades on inside the pockets of his black pants. He saw his reflection infront of his shades. Fell down their knees and started to feel sorry for himself.

This wouldn't happen he could just go back to the time. So he could prove and learn in the first place. Only is he was strong enough to help his parents and neighbors during the reign of Emperor Orglord.

He can't do it anymore. Only if he could just-

He heard a familiar voice. He jolted in fear and immediately wore his shades. Hoping no one could ever saw his eyes. He turned around and saw Dr. Fox lingered near.

"Hawkodile? Why were you in these fields in the middle of night!"
Dr. Fox asked in a concerned manner.

"Oh- huh- erm...I was just- wanderin' around and nothing else or-hey..."

"Could you just be honest Hawk! We been have dating for 9 months already! You just still won't reach out on what's bothering you. Please Hawk."

"It's just- I- was..... HAVE NO WORDS TO..."

Hawkodile fell knees. Feeling help helpless tired. He cried in vain. Dr. Fox came closer to him and leave the butterfly in a jar test subject down.

The moment when Dr. Fox scooted closer at him. She felt of fast heartbeat in every second wanted to comport him by whispering to him. Not until her heart skips a beat as Hawkodile's big arms brought her to his big shoulders. And can still hear him crying at to back. Her emerald eyes grew bigger as the moon shone above. The cold breeze of wind blew her orange fur and Hawkodile's feathers and scales. They both went to a big hug. Hawkodile started to calm down. And Dr. Fox teared up a bit. Knowing that he was now okay. Nothing more breathtakingly romantic.

"Thanks, Fox, girl."
Hawkodile squeezed Dr.Fox even more.

"Anytime Hawk, Anytime."
Dr. Fox took his red boxing gloves. And lead it to his chest. Showing love and affection towards him.

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