Haircut rookus

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"I'm fine with it Unikitty, It's not like I'm dying from it."

A certain Doomlord named Master Frown pleaded while he covered his black hood relocated on his head more tighter using his block hands.

"Ah,ah,ah! Everybody needs a haircut Master Frown. Besides, It's still raining outside. And I noticed that you have been struggling to comb your long black heavy hair!"

"I'm capable with it. And thanks for your conscience, but I won't needing any fancy haircuts today."
Master Frown slowly gotten off on a pink stool. Leaving with sarcastingly facial expression. Unikitty eye-rolled at him.

Right before Master Frown could leave the pink stool. He felt his head itchy and heavy. Little sweat drops starting to appear on his yellow face. He squeacked in dis-comport.

"Who turned off the air conditioner? This place is getting hotter."
He whined as he wiped off his sweat using his block palms. And removed the black hood from his cloak, Revealing his long black hair. Unikitty snapped as she saw his boyfriend's hair.

"Told you already, Everybody needs a haircut. It's Part of our hygene Frown."

Master Frown would admit, It's been a while since he had a haircut. He ended up growing it out till' it was almost on his waist rather below of his neck. But he never wished to have a haircut, one of a lazy person perks.

He sighed as he leaned on the giant round window on his left. The weather was quite stormy, force of a strong wind blew hard the branches of trees. Obviously dangerous to head back on his apartment, and plus Brock called him earlier on his phone that it's not a good timing to head back to Frowntown. The stormy weather spreads throughout the globe nor two worlds perhaps. 

"It would be downy downer if you're going home in this type of weather Master Frown. Plus, Richard insisted that you'll stay here until the stormy weather go away. We will be having our rainy day activities later and some yummy chocolate milk and some good old chocolatey gooey cookies too! You wouldn't resist chocolate right?"
Unikitty sat on her pink stool as she spoke to him.

"Yeah, Guess you were right kitty. Maybe a little haircut wouldn't that bad. Sheesh, you knew my savour a lot."

"Told' ya you wouldn't resist the chocolatey goodness. Now, Get  your butt here and let's make the haircutting rookus started!"
Unikitty flew to where Master Frown relocated and took his arms, leading him back to the pink stool. Master Frown nooded and sat on the stool with a teasing pout.

Unikitty finally massaging his scalp to make his hair spread out, took a cape and put it in his front, tying it around his neck so the hair wouldn't fall on him. She took a little lime sparkly and glittery green spray bottle to wet his hair up a bit. And took the small pink speaker of hers to play some relaxing songs to comfort Master Frown. Unikitty hummed as she took the small scissors of hers, leaving Master Frown facing himself on a mirror.

Minutes flew by, Unikitty finally finsihed cutting his hair to a length that went a little bit past on his cheeks, making him look ridiculousy younger and fresher compared to his old long and heavy black hair. A smile grew on her girlfriend's face as he brush off his fallen hair out on his slant shoulders. A genuine smirk grew up on his face as he stood up and took a view on his entire hair and face.

"Wow, My hair became lighter and fresher."
He begun to touch his black hair above his head, Satisfied than ever.

Unikitty slowly came behind him to give him a cuddle, wrapping her arms on his waist, and planted a kiss on his cheeks, and purred behind him, Showing affection.

"See? Part of our hygene Master Frown."
Unikitty took a yellow brush and started to comb his hair. Master Frown couldn't help looking to himself, He was very satistfied than ever. Master Frown turned his stool to where Unikitty is facing and stood up, and cups her pink mushy cheeks, giving her a small kiss.

"Thank you kitty."

"Glad to make you happy Master Frown."

Unikitty melted in embrace, so they both giggled. They both let go as when they heard a small knockings on the door. They pressumed that it must be one of her friends. So Unikitty flew through the door, and opened it. It was the castle advisor, Richard.

"Ahh princess and Master Frown, I've been looking all around just to find the both of you. I see that the both of you were busy doing something?"
Richard spoke in his monotonous voice, a smile grew on his face.

"Rick! Look to Master Frown's brand hair! It is nice?"
Unikitty flew back to push Master Frown infront of Richard. Leaving Master Frown shly cupped his shoulders.

"I see you are having a hair cut time with the princess. And you look more younger and cooler. Good job princess."

"Soooooooooo...How's the cookies and the chocolate milks down to the kitchen Rick?"

"Oh I forgot to tell you. It's was already done and served at to the dining area, everyone was waiting for the both of you. C'mom let's have our rainy day snacks and do some activities later."
Richard flew above the both of them, leaving Unikitty and Master Frown squeaked in happiness to what they have heard.

So the three of them was now heading down to the dining room,  Happier than ever.

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