Got used to it

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• Hiya! This chapter was dedicated to our amazing MiaBuenacosa and this was also her request too ^w^

• Hope you'll going to enjoy this work of mine, love lots a keep safe! >33

• 🌸 🌸 🌸 •

Madelaine Doom looked down at her beloved doll in horror, It was torn apart, laying on the ground. Right after a group of kids ripped her doll one by one earlier. She was interrupted by a rough and painful feeling on her chest seeing her doll was now ruined, cotton from the doll was shattered, buttons are all messed up, and being kicked and dipped in mud.

Her eyes couldn't bear seeing this kind of scene. The doll was very special for her. It was the only thing that kept her safe from the times she's alone in vain. The doll was the only thing that comforts her during the times when she needed comfort the most. Since she has no one to talk with. Even her father kept putting her aside, and nothing do for herself. She was the reason why her mother got passed away. Her father couldn't forget the day when her wife died delivering the baby out of this world. And years and from now on, He saw nothing in Maidelaine but the memories of the death of her wife. None of them knew how she felt every day, never getting attention or love.

She lived in a wealthy family, carrying the surname of Doom. Which was one of the richest families could ever know. Yet, a very selfish and stoic family too. Aside from being wealthy, The Dooms was the monstrous-humanoid type of species ever found. So many citizens accused them of being different from the appearances of others. Because most of their neighbors were very colorful and innocent-looking. So they shunned her for looking odd.

Madeline took a glance back to where her home heading was and took the damaged doll with her. Her only taught on how to react was to cry. The tears quickly fell from her eyes, falling to her knees and she went into a sob. Madelaine walked alone heading to where her home was relocated at.

It wasn't too long for her to head back home alone. She stood at a pace as she watched the man walking through the halls and brought a stack-pile of documents and business stuff to handle with. Madelaine took a glance at her father as she held her damaged doll tight on her palms. Her father stood close by, keeping his eyes to his endless paperwork instead of hearing his daughter's sobs. But her quietness doesn't make him believed that she was all fine and such. So she bent down, holding the damaged doll with her palms. The tears still rolled down as she sniffed reaching up and grabbing his father's suit using his other palm to give him a small tug. This caught her father's attention, but his gaze wasn't very friendly. A frown slowly showed up when he saw Maidelaine stood beside him.

"What it is Maidelaine Doom? I need some more space for my clearances to be filled up."

The little girl wiped her tears using her palms as she reached her damaged doll towards the tall man.

"Could you fix it for me daddy..? The kids..ruined it."

She could have sworn that she saw her dad's eye-rolled as when he saw a familiar doll lifted in front of him. The doll was incomplete damaged, all turned, and needed some fixing. But he didn't pay attention and tilted his head back to his computer, illuminated his face by the screen of the computer. Her daughter shakingly tugged her father's suit even more. But it wasn't helping at all.


"Not now Maidelaine Doom, it's now time for bed, and head to your room and does what's it is told."
He replied with a grunt, not even looking back at his daughter's face.

"Would you please fix this for me, Daddy? I promise I won't miss this-"


She felt a rough feel invited inside of her hearing her father screamed at her. She can see the anger beneath his eyes, flaming blue fire could be seen at every tip of his eyes. Madelaine jolted when she saw her father flamed in anger. She slowly crept out of his room, with her eyes big as the moon, frightened as could be. Her doll flung away from her hands and fell on the floor. She looked up to his father with tears in his eyes and saw him already walking back to his chair. As if nothing happened.

So she quickly took her damaged doll that plunged into her hands and ran to her room right after her father sat in his red armchair.

Madeleine stepped into her room and carefully climbed into her bed. She curled up into the blankets and tucked her damaged dole closer to her body. It's the only thing that keeps her safe and sound. She didn't know why she kept staring at the foggy window that she had at the left corner of her room, but tears still fell from her eyes, even though she tried to stop them. She can't just stop.

"I tried to be nice...What..what did I do...wrong?"

She gave an eye-contact with her damaged doll. Tears flowed down to her cheeks even more. She tried wiping them all away using her arms. She can't just stop weeping, all could she do was weep. Wipe one, and another, and another tear she shed.

Her arms made the doll plunged away from her hands and fell somewhere in her room. She started to sniff her tears away and managed to go down to her bunk to look for her damaged doll whom she loved so much.

She began to search, up here, down, to left and right. It wasn't long when for her to search for the doll. Madelaine's eyes grew wide in relief when she saw her doll was all safonat the floor right next to her bed. She felt a certain kind of peace when her doll was right next to her.

As when she tried to fall her knees to reach her doll down below. And took the doll with her, then she noticed something was shining beneath her. She confronted something that reflects her face, yes it was a mirror right in front of her. She started to caressed her green face in the mirror. Madeleine was very aware that she had sharp white teeth, big eyes, long and huge tremendously horns beneath her head and back, a snake tongue, and a strange horrid voice. She felt tears fell when she heard some echoes ringing inside of her head.

"My parents wouldn't like me to interact with a MONSTER like YOU."

"How pity, The poor little monstrous creature came here to win in front of us."

"Oh, yoweren'tnt supposed to be here you MONSTROUS CREATURE. Go back to where you belong."

"Look at to her guys! A monster!"

She was breathing heavily, she felt her spine trickled on her back. She squirms every time she heard "Monster" all around her. She felt hatred, all hatred.

"Why do I even deserve all of this? I tried to be nice, what did I do wrong...?"

And that's where she nod her head down and continued to yell at herself and lead it to a sad whimper. And that's where she felt all hatred. She started to break down and placed the both of hefistsst on her drawer. Slowly breaking herse.....Not until she heard an echo inside of her head, It sounded...


Master Doom's eyes snapped opepantingng softly as she looked around. Her eyes captured some scattered envelopes and lots of files that surrounds her arms, a dark brown design front of her, and the height of where she was arrested.

Master Doom just realized that she was still on her lair, all alone. She saw that the window rere already dark, obviously night tidy. All she can only hear was the clock ticking. Dead silence spreads around the halls. She could even hear her breath alone.

She started to remember that shaccidentallyly slept all of her tiredness on her desk. So she moved the pace of her arms away from the desk. And realized that she was very lucky, for picking the best choice for her to be made. To share her pain.

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