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• Heyyo! It's been a while since I posted a chapter. Sorry to keep you all waiting for an update. ;-;

• And I just have noticed that I haven't written any of Brock's perspective. So I came out of this shorty story about our two cool dudes livin' on the gloomy apartment. Eyup! Master Frown and Brock. (But this chapter doesn't tackle being in a relationship or lovey-dovey stuff. This is just a bro-mentum or friendship in other words.)

• I hope that you'll guys going to enjoy this little work of mine. And be sure to request something *winks* Love lots! ❤

•  🌸 🌸 🌸 •

It was already past midnight here in the city of Frowntown, Countless stars shimmered and glowed up above the deep blue night sky. It was been very peaceful tonight. But down below, Somewhere in Frowntown. One of the small gloomy buildings still have their lights on, And a noice of video games can be heard. A certain tombstone as he decided to stay up for a while, he tended to play one of his video games until he got tired.

But Brock ended up still playing his video games, and it was already past midnight. But he didn't bother and continued to play even more. It wasn't too long until a familiar yawning cracked deep voice can be heard coming from the living room entrance. And the figure revealed itself against the light illuminated by the television. Yes, It was Master Frown. He formed his shoulders and a sleepy facial expression.

"Brock, you kept playing that video game for several hours now. What's got into you?"
Master Frown rubbed his eyes, still sleepy. Causing Brock to glance over him.

"It's just I can't sleep, or a bit restless tonight, I guess,"
Brock replied, but still focusing on his game.

"C'mon Brock. It's already past midnight. You don't want to see yourself as a drunken sock when the morning comes!"

"Sheesh, so now you're very concerned about my sleep schedule? How surprising, since I'm the ONLY ONE caring about YOU."

The Doomlord caught off guard as he heard his roommate's statement. He was very confused as usual, and the tone of his voice wasn't very normal for Brock to be heard off. Master Frown sat down on the couch.

"The what now? What's that supposed to be mean Brock?"

"I mean ever since you are getting along with the others and trying to be nice as when you dated Unikitty and trying to get along with her friends. It's like you changed up a bit. But I'm happy for you to realize what is the true concept of love and such. I'm just afraid maybe one day, everything will never be the same like it used to be. And every day you kept brushing me off."
Brock sighed as he puts his video game controller beside him and paused the game. Creating dead silence across the apartment itself.

"Oh really? Dude, don't ever think that I'm brushing you away just because I'm busy with dealing with people and trying to change for the better? I mean, what do you even mean about that everything will never be the same like they used to be?"

"It's just, I don't want to be alone again... Ever since mom and dad adopted you and became my little brother. My whole world became brighter than ever, you inspired me in so many ways! We grew up ever since we were toddlers, preschoolers, mid-schoolers, and high-schoolers, and every year passed by. We have been always calling ourselves best bros for life! And I know in my life that I'm always grateful. And now, here we are in the present. Our lives changed up a little bit. You have found your love and starting to grow in modesty. I'm proud of you Master Frown. And I'm just afraid of losing my lil' best brother I could ever have and everything will never be the same again."
Brock started to form tears from his eyes, this causes Master Frown to smile and wiped his tears. And he spoked.

"I know things just got changed up a bit Brock. I do appreciate what you do for me ever since. And I'm so glad that you accepted me as your little brother. I know we are both growing up, but that doesn't mean that things will not go through the way just like before. This is present, and why would I let my leave my brother if he was the reason who gave me motivation. You were the one who been always at my back dude. And I will never forget every memory we spent when we're younger. Because you are my brother and there's nothing I could ever ask for more."
Master Frown could only smile as he finally looks at Brock. The least he can do was show a smile, even though he often smiles, and very rare to see him doing that expression on his face. But it was very sincere. Causing Brock to smile back at him, showing care for each other. Another moment passed before when Master Frown stood up and formed a manly pose.

"Now, where's my loyal henchmen could be?"
Master Frown spoke in his amusing voice.

"I AM!... Wait- I just told you multiple times that don't call me-"

"See? Something never changes dude."
Master Frown played his block hand on his mouth to shut him out right before he had spoken. Causing Brock to realize it, a small grin appeared on his face.

"What's stands for B.B.F.F?"
Master Frown squeaked in joy.

The both of them yelled in unison, and they broke the moment as they both laughed in amusement. Causing the video game controller to hit the resume button. The both of them exchanged glances as they looked at the television.

"Wanna beat me at my new high score, Micheal?"
Brock handed him another pair of game controllers, and gave him a fierce gaming facial expression on his face."

"Let's see about that, Game on!"


"Wait, are we supposed to head back now to our slumbers to get rest?"

"It's now 3 am...*insert curse word*"

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